Accidental Change

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Gwen's POV

Please don't call my name.... Can I just lay in my bed do nothing instead of going to school

"Gwen! Hurry up Sam is waiting for you" my twin brother Henry yells.

Damnit one day I will go deaf because of his screaming. I know Sam is probably downstairs. Sam has been my best friend since 6th grade, now we are in 7th grade close to going to 8th.

"I am going Henry calm down" I say rushing through my room

I run to my desk and grab my book bag, put on my socks then go down stairs

"Gwen come on you should try waking up earlier" Sam says whining from the entrance while I go to the mudroom to get my shoes

"Sam I think I would die if I have to wake up any earlier" I scream

I finally walk to see my dear friend Sam who has brunette hair and hazel eyes. Then I see my twin brother Henry, he is the good looking one he has nice blue eyes, light brown hair, and olive skin. I hate him. Well in a brother sister way.

"Alright let's go" I happily say

"Alright we have to go walking today cause mom and dad aren't gonna be here for the weekend" Henry says with a grin and we make our way to the door and walk the school in only 5 minutes away

"No Henry please don't do it you bother me with that" I say realizing why he was grinning

"Ya dude last time you did it shit went down remember?" Sam also says knowing what I am talking about

"You guys are no fun all it is is a party. I throw epic parties I mean no one can deny it it's the truth. Gwen, Sam this is why you guys aren't populars cause you guys think about the rules" my brother says with his big smile across his face

"Oh shut up" Sam am I both say in unison

Henry stop looks at a house that is familiar to me then says " Hey guys I am gonna check if Hayes wants to walk with us" he says getting out his phone

"No, he is so stuck up, annoying, and unbearable" I say

It's the truth he doesn't like the the people who aren't popular. He is my brothers best friend since 2nd grade. But I don't talk to him and he doesn't talk to me either. Just cause he is in vine he thinks he is all that

"It's alright let him be I mean it's his best friend" Sam say always seeing the good side of everything.

"More like his only friend" I chuckle

My brother comes back with Hayes. I never noticed him leave.

Hayes is wearing black vans a blue shirt and pants which make his blue eyes pop which is what he want to go for I am guessing cause every single day girls practically chase him and you can tell he likes it.

"Good morning" he says looking at me and nodding at Sam

"Ya whatever" I say turning around talking back to Sam

I don't acknowledge that Hayes is there the whole time we are walking I was busy talking to Sam.

"Come on we both know that Clary likes you Sam the way that see looks at you everyday" I sigh since I have been trying I convince him for the past 4 min

"Well I don't like her. Hey look we are here already, finally!" Sam sighs

"Hey Gwen" I hear a voice say from the back of me

I turn around and it's Eric the shy kid in my math class. I hang out with him every once and awhile I just like knowing he has a friend.

"Oh hey Eric got to get to class so see you later" I say and keep walking with Sam

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