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" Jayce 'Crash' Ellis, is in First Place and he's way out there. He is about to take the Checkered Flag!", said a racetrack announcer.

Ellis, was approaching the finish, his vision was blurry, and he was losing his focus. He immediately stepped on his gas more, and

took the finish, and sun out into the grassy area, away from the stands. The Head of his Pit Crew, ran to his car.

" He's dead, ELLIS IS DEAD!" , he cried out.

" Jayce Ellis, Liberion Reservist, died after racing. Earned the racing handle ' Crash', after surviving a near brutal smash, against a

retaining wall.", said Perrine. "  Did he Auto race, for a hobby, money, or something else?", asked Christina.

" Before joining the Reserves. He was a weekend racer, in some of his local circuits. After, our ' Earths' found each other,

he started to race on the 'other', on weekends.", replied Perrine. " He had no health issues, or drank alcohol, smoked tobacco, and did any

narcotics.", said Lynette. " Something killed him. Yoshika, will conduct the Autopsy. Naoe, Hikari, conduct interviews, The rest of us,

will check the race course and car.", said Christina.

" Ellis, was not hard up for cash, or any hard luck story. He was an old fashioned ' Southern Boy ' with a love of speed. He spent his time,

working on some of our Jeep engines, in the Motor Pool.", said the C.O. " So, you didn't stop him?", asked Naoe.

" You kidding, he made the engines to, as he put it, ' NASCAR' specs, or what he meant.", replied the C.O. " Did he, do this often?",

asked Hikari. " Of course. The guys like it. A matter of fact, whenever car races shown up on TV, the guys and myself watched. But, I did

it for morale sake. ", said the C.O.

" Nothing suspicious, on the track.", said Christina. " Nothing in the stands.", said Yao. " Nothing in the Concessions.", said Tuka.

" The car, was not tampered with.", said Lynette. " Then, someone in The Pit Crew, murdered Ellis.", said Christina.

" Nobody wanted to hurt the kid. He was a good guy. No relatives to speak of. ", said The Crew Chief. " So, you didn't see any change?",

asked Lynette. " None. He looked healthy. If I suspected, he was ill or not feeling well. I would pull him from the race immediately.

I always obey, the health rules.", said the Crew Chief. " Ellis, was a great guy. He was a prayerful type. We always prayed with us, win or

lose.", said the Head Mechanic. " Come on, kill the guy? No way! He was decent to us.", said The Tire crew Chief.

" Everyone on Ellis' Crew, has an alibis. ", said Perrine. " We searched Ellis' trailer. Nothing suspicious.", said Tuka.

" We need to review his races, a clue might be there. Particularly, his final one.", replied Christina.

After, reviewing hours of footage. Christina said, " Ellis was healthy, up until his final race. What he went through, indicates he was

murdered." " No arguments. Judging by his behavior on the track, until his final race, he was possibly slipped a medication or

narcotic. ", said Yoshika. " Check everyone, associated with Ellis, especially those with prescriptions or rap sheets, connected to

narcotics.", said Christina.

Moments later, " The Mechanic, Reb Colter. He was on the same circuit as Ellis, for five years. Had to give up, due to diagnosed Heart

Problems. ", said Hikari. " Found something recorded on, Ellis' Body Cam to his phone. ", said Yoshika. " A word of warning, this 'might'

be a bit graphic." * Video Recording * " Mmm. N - no, NO!", shouted a woman. Ellis ran into his trailer to see his Head

Mechanic violating a blindfolded start girl. " REB, WHAT THE...?!" Then, the scene froze to the mechanic running out.

" Let's bring him in." said Christina.

Colter was at the interrogation table, as Christina walked in. " Reb Colter. Former Auto Racer, turned Mechanic. A matter of fact,

Chief Mechanic in several racing teams. Including, Jayce Ellis. By, 'coincidence ' in Florida and places where the circuit hit. There were

several unsolved rapes. And, we happen to find, footage of you...." " I'll save you the trouble. True, Ellis caught me. He said, he wouldn't

turn me over, right then. He wanted to help me. So. he said after his race, he would enroll me, in a 'help' program.

But, I couldn't trust him. So, I slipped him a heart med. I didn't think he would die, after his race.", said Colter.

" You drugged Ellis, hoping he would what, die in a smash up. Because, you got sick problems, and he 'wanted' to help you.

News Flash, you would had to spend jail time, either way. But, you had to kill, the ONLY person, giving you a second chance.

Now, you have to go to jail anyway. You acted paranoid, and THAT got you where you are. Good Luck.", replied Christina.

Then, she left.

She entered the house, and flopped on the couch. Christopher walked in the Living Room, followed by Gertrud. " Tough case?", he

asked. " A case, of a promising life cut short, because a man with serious issues, flubbed it.", she replied. " Ouch. Well, dinner is

ready, if you want it.", he replied. " No rush Christina.", said Gertrud. Christina, shut her eyes, to gather herself.


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