I Am In No Need Of You

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I could say you've grown attached to me...

But it is quite the opposite.

I use you to feel.

I use you to think.

I use you to cheer me up, in spite of you being the one that caused it.

You are a crutch.

You are a constant.

I can't function without you.

You are toxic...

You aren't supposed to be relied on

You aren't supposed to be a friend

I am supposed to hate you but you've stood in that corner for so long I can't imagine life without you.

I long to crush you, destroy you...

You look me in the eyes from your stationary spot and smile at me.

Your smile so warm and inviting makes me cry.

Your eyes filled with sadness...

You don't want this.

You don't want to hurt me

But you can't leave

You stay in that corner and stare at me

I stare back at you. With a rock in my hand.

I want to shatter you

And you have already broken me

For I am you...

I Am In No Need Of YouWhere stories live. Discover now