Chapter 1

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                   Third person's pov

The school counsel decided that everyone should meet up at school and then they would be heading to the camping place. As everyone arrived at school the friends were standing together waiting for Daisy to come.

In about a couple of minutes Daisy approached them with a head in her book almost bumping into Jacob "Hey Daisy what are you reading there?" He asked holding the book in his hand "It's a book about the place we're going to camp at, did you know that it's near suicide forest? There might be some paranormal activity going on at the camp" They all looked at Daisy and started laughing at her statement "yeah sure and we might see Annabelle" Melody said sarcastically while rolling her eyes which made Daisy sigh deeply "Well if-" her sentence got cut off by The teachers calling them over so everyone gathered around them and got into the bus. Of course the six friends were sitting next to each other in the back of the bus

"Say Daisy what even is the suicide forest and why is it so haunted?" Marco asked raising an eyebrow "The suicide forest is a place where people used to go to and kill themselves by hanging or shooting themselves, legend has it that the spirits of the ones that committed suicide are there looking for their next victim to KILL" she said in a serious tone which made Allissa almost jump onto Melody "Yeah yeah right and let me guess they hang their heads on trees?" Melody said laughing

Daisy gasped at her "how did you-" her sentence was cut off again but this time it was because the bus driver hit the breaks hard. Most of the kids that were standing fell and the bus driver quickly walked out of the bus walking around it then went back into the bus "I could've sworn I hit a little girl" he said with a cracked voice "it must've been your imagination just continue driving" a teacher told him and he started driving again. The group of friends laughed and made jokes about the bus driver but Daisy on the other hand looked back at the road behind them and there she saw it.....

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