Forever Among the Stars

122 19 11

Our conversation spirals between us

Weaving stories of war and work;

The intricacy of our words

Intertwining and flowing,

A river of ideas and thoughts

Eddy like current events

In the corners of our minds.

Our words flow rapidly

Over rocky terrain

Bubbling and frothing

Forth from our mouths.

We hold hands and the worlds

Of the universe become connected

Between us, pulling together

And gravity tugs, but we resist

Soaring into the heavens

And orbiting the earth.

Looking down we see all

The people of the world;

They are so small and we laugh

At the folly of what

they take so seriously.

I turn to you and your eyes

Are the blazing stars

And your smile engulfs galaxies.

Our hands together,

we pull near one another

and the cosmos

Swirls around us.

Forever lies in front and we turn

To stroll down the path that

Leads to the heavens.

Hand in hand,

Our hearts are united

In time and space

And all of the eternities

And all of the worlds

And all of everything

Looks on and knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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