Chapter 1

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Aaron woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. It's 6 am and it's the first day of his sophomore year. He was finally going to tell his best friend, Eden, his secret today and wanted to look at least somewhat presentable. He looked through his closet and picked out the same 3 shirts that he wears all the time. Aaron finally decided after looking at the shirts over and over again that he was going to wear a shirt that he definitely doesn't choose to wear very often. He pulled out a black and red twenty-one pilots shirt, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of red converse.

Once Aaron decided he looked presentable enough he walked downstairs to eat a quick breakfast. Realizing he took so long to find out what to wear. It was already 6:34am and the bus comes at 6:45. He quickly grabbed a banana and walked out the door yelling a quick 'goodbye' to his mom. Aaron began walking down the street to the bus stop. He noticed the kid that has been there the last two years. He never did ask what his name is and he's pretty sure he's a senior this year. Aaron also noticed what looked to be the two new neighbors.

"HI, you must be the new neighbors?" said Aaron.

"Hey, yeah. We just moved here about a month ago. My names Luke and this is my sister, May." Say's Luke.

"What grade are you guys in?" Said Aaron looking away.

"I'm a sophomore and she's a junior. "Says Luke,

" Cool, we might have a class together. I'm a sophomore too."

" Well if we have any classes together I'll see you then."

Aaron walked through the hallways of school trying to find Eden when she noticed her at his locker, down the hall. "Hey, Eden." Said Alec, sounding a bit nervous as he arrived at his locker.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

"No, why?"

"You sound a bit nervous."

"I'm not nervous."

"Are you sure? You're a little shaky."

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm fine."

"Ok. Never mind." Said Eden beginning to walk away, looking a little frustrated.

"Actually, there is something I need to talk to you about. Can we talk after school?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you in the front parking lot at 3:10. You better be there early."

"I will" Said Alec with an amused look on his face.

"You better" Replied Eden, giving Aaron a quick hug and walking towards homeroom. Aaron put his books in his locker and then began walking off to his own homeroom.

Aaron goes through his first, 3 periods, almost forgetting about Luke, until he saw him in his 4th period class.
"Hey, Luke you can come sit over here."

"Ok." Said Luke as he sat down," Aaron, right?"

"Yeah. So, since we have the same 4th period, we have the same lunch. Do you have anyone your sitting with? If not, you can sit with me and my best friend Eden."

"Sure", Said Luke, with a small smile on his face. Their 4th period just happened to be Mr. Hallsbright, which means that they can technically do whatever they want. Aaron kept looking at Luke admiring how cute he realized he was. 'Wait, did I just say that? There is no way I have a crush on him. I haven't even told anybody but my parents that I'm gay. Ugh, he's going to realize and push me away like everyone else when they find out. Or will he? Maybe he's just like me. Maybe we can ride off into the sunset together and forget that everyone else exists. Shut up, Aaron and just maybe get to know him. Move on from there.'

"So, Luke. Where did you guys move from?"

"We moved from Indiana. Indiana was such a boring place and there was hardly anything to do. We just got so tired of never getting to do anything so we moved here, to Ohio."
"I've only ever been to Indiana a handful of times and let me tell you it is definitely not a place that you would get to hyped about. I mean is it just me or is Indiana just full of cornfields and nothing else?"

"Your correct. Where we lived was right by two cornfields and we didn't even live in the country!" Said Luke, laughing.

"Wow, I mean depends on where you live in Ohio but it's not much different."

"Yeah, I'm getting a little bit of those vibes, but I actually like it here."

"I'm glad."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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