part 1

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I was walking home from what seemed like a whole life time of school. I felt like someone was watching me so I started to jog home but the feeling got stronger. I started to run to my house. When I got in my house and locked the door. I felt a pair of strong muscular arms around my waist. I jumped and screamed. I felt a hand go over my mouth to stop my screaming. Then I heard "shh its ok sweet thing I won't hurt you". I tried to struggle. Then I heard once again "and neither will that stupid rogue Cheney". That was it, my blood boiled and I kicked the guy in the balls. The guy fell down and let go of me. I quickly ran out of my house and ran to rogue's house. I know what your thinking 'isn't rogue your crush?' And yes he is my crush but my brother lives there. You also might be wondering 'who is your brother?' Well my brother is sting eucliffe rogue's best friend.

A/N: cliff hanger

Rogue X Lizzy(oc) -Highschool- (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now