Part 1

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My name is Keith Kogane, a Junior in high school and a martial artist in Brazilian Jujitsu. I attend a regular public school, nothing special; but out of school I go to the gym, my friends houses or my apartment that I live in; with my older brother Shiro. I'm a little hot headed but as long as people don't get me mad other than that I'm pretty nice. One fact that not many people know about me is that I'm gay.
I don't see my sexuality as a reason why I should stop Jujitsu or feel discouraged. I have had a boyfriend before, me and him are friends now but me and him dated in freshman year through a little bit in the summer afterwards. We broke up out of mutual agreement, I didn't want to date him anymore and he was fine with that. I still have not dated anyone else, yet.

-Later that day-

So I've had a small crush on this guy at school; he plays hockey, plays the guitar, has nice tan skin, beautiful light brown shaggy hair. He seems so perfect, he's flirtatious, we have the same friends, but we haven't talked. Not even once. Thank god for my ass, he wore a shirt saying "Best Bi!" with the colors of the Bisexual flag on it.

I layed in my bed thinking of Lance, I keep trying to get him off my mind but it just won't happen. My phone started buzzing on my night stand, I picked it up and was greeted with Shiro kinda yelling into his phone and music in the background.
"Hey Keith, are you busy?"
"No, what's up?"
"Tonight's Allura's birthday!"
"Shit! I'll be there in a hour!"That was all I said before calling my friend Ivan for a ride.

---3rd Person POV---

"Hello?" Ivan said with his words a little muffled. "It's Keith, can you give me a ride to a friend's house?" Keith asked sternly. "Yeah, I will be there in 15 minutes...and can I go? I have nothing to do." Ivan's question was quickly answered with a quick "Yup! See you in a bit!" Keith hung up, texted Allura's address to Ivan, and quickly got ready. Keith wore a black and white Leatherman jacket that Shiro had given him last year, a red and black v-neck t-shirt, black ripped up skinny jeans, and red and black convers. 10 minutes had past and Keith received a text.
Coming down

Keith locked his apartment doors and windows, then ran down the stairs of the apartment complex he lived in. After meeting the cement sidewalk he was greeted by the sound of a motor of a motorcycle. This motorcycle belonged too Ivan. The bike was a decent size l, it worked for his height, it was fast too. Keith remembers Ivan saying it was a Suzuki Motorcycle.

Keith ran up to Ivan, hoped on the back and placed on the helmet Ivan had given him. Once his helmet was on tight, he grabbed onto Ivan's shoulders; signaling he was ready.

The drive wasn't long and they arrived to Allura's house in 30 minutes. "Umm Keith, this is my first time coming to a 'highschool' party. SHOULD I HIDE OUR HELMETS!?" Ivan looked as though he was in 8th grade and got embarrassed in front of class. Keith responded with a look of 'what the fuck' "No, dude Allura can lock them in her room for you." "Okay, let's go in." After Ivan said that they walked inside Allura house and immediately saw Shiro doing a kegstand with Matt screaming him on in the background. Ivan walks off to the kitchen, leaving Keith alone.

---Lance's POV---

I was at Allura's birthday party and might I say: OH MY FUCKING GOD. SHIRO! THE BEST QUARTERBACK ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM!!! WAS DOING FUCKING KEGSTANDS! There is some cute girls and boys to hook up with but damn... 3 KEGSTANDS?!

Next thing I knew I was doing shots with Hunk and this other dude, what was his name? Ian? Igor? Ivan? Ah ha! Ivan! We were nine shots in and Hunk was watching, he was clearly dizzy. Once I got to twelve I was done, Ivan did four more and me and Hunk looked at him in awe. "Woah dude, that's pretty cool." I said with little mumbling at the end. "I guess, not a lot of people tell me that."Ivan sounded depressed when saying that. "Nah man, that's awesome! *Hic up* Don't let anyone else tell you *hic up* otherwise." Hunk has away with words, even when he is drunk. I left the two in the kitchen and left to the backyard.

Music was blasted playing horrible trap music and early 2000's pop music. The pool had four people in it three girls and a guy sitting in one of the corners. There was a bench in the back of the backyard against the fence that separated Allura's house with another person's. I made my way to the bench, once there I saw someone else there. "Mind if sit?" I asked the person, they looked up and now I could clearly see that it was a boy; his hair an ugly mullet yet he made it look nice. His eyes were a nice dark purple color, his hair was black, and his skin was pale. He nodded in response to my request.

I sat down on the cold wooden bench. "Why are you out here alone?" I asked calmly "I usually end up sitting somewhere away from people, plus my ride is probably drunk, my brother is doing alot of kegstands. So yeah." He replied with "What's your name?" "Keith Kogane... You?" "Lance McClain, aren't you Shiro's little brother?" He, uh, Keith looked at me suprised by the question. "Yeah, and I'm not going to take him home." Keith was sassy about this.

---Keith's POV---

HOLY SHIT MY CRUSH IS TALKING TO ME!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!! "Hey want to dance?" I thankfully sounded calm "Uh sure, I mean what else can I do than dance with a cute boy." I felt my face heat up from what he said and took his hand and ran inside the house.

I lead him to where other people were dancing, bright flashing lights and 'Fuck Love' by XXXTENTACION was playing. I started dancing I guess you could say 'sexual', Lance placed his hands on my hips, moving his body with mine. By now I was grinding on him, I can see him bite his bottom lip; his grip became tighter on my hips.

My arms are wrapped around his neck making us closer by the second. Suddenly I was pulled off of Lance, by a girl who wore a white shirt that stated 'DON'T JUDGE', her curly black hair fell perfectly on her chest. "Lance *hic up* I thought you loved me?" Lance looked at the girl pissed off and confused(I am cONFuSioN!!) "Elijah we broke up 2 months ago!"Lance raised his voice a bit at the end of his sentence. I just stood next to them, pissed off. Pissed off that this girl just cock blocked me. "I thought we were still together?!" Elijah yelled back "No, Elijah, we aren't, you're drunk." Lance said with annoyance in his voice. "Well uhh, fuck you!" Elijah yelled back running off into the front.

Lance walked to me "Sorry about that, she's just drunk..." "Fuck yeah she is, not even my ex would do that." Speaking of my ex, I remembered Ivan is here. FUCK NOW I'M HELLA COCK BLOCKED!

"Hey want to go somewhere else?" Lance asked taking my hand in his. "Uh yeah, sure." He took me upstairs to a spare bedroom I didn't even know existed. He let go of my hand then flopped down onto the bed. I slowly closed the door behind me.
"Go ahead and join if you want. I'm not one of those 'jocks' looking to score with anyone at a party, I respect people." This was actually really kind of him, not many people are like that. I crawled into the bed staring at him, my eyes became droopy and the last thing I saw was him turn around and have a genuine smile plastered on his face.

Don't expect stuff to always be this long, I was just in that moment of writing

A Hokey Player And A Martial Artist (KLANCE AU)Where stories live. Discover now