Chapter 1 - Asleep and Restless

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Days... Weeks... Months... Years... Gundham had no idea how long it had been. He remembered Monokuma. He remembered a huge flash of light, followed by pain. He saw the faces of his hamsters one last time, then darkness.

It felt like ages ago. He had been living in a town, similar to home. He never once saw an animal, a bug, or a person. He never saw airplanes or boats. He never heard birds or cars. He never felt hungry or tired either. Nothing felt real... It all felt like a dream.

After what seemed to be 4 eternities, he accepted the fact he would be here alone forever. There was a dome over the town. Even outside of the place, no sign of life other than plants was ever seen.

Time passed. He watched clouds, practiced magic in the dirt, talked to himself, and did anything he could to keep himself entertained, but he would be here for all eternity, and he was crushed at the thought of it.

At times he thought he heard voices. He thought he heard heart monitors, and doctors talking, almost like his inner voice. They talked about him being in a coma. That was his only hope. To wake up.

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