May and Luke

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"Yes, mom I am packing all my things! Yelled May. "No, I am not going to bring my sword!"

As a tall white blond female with a crown on her head walked into a big painted white room with May packing her bag to go an army camp to learn how to be a leader of the army. Many people were going to the camp. From princes and princesses to people learning to be knights. May was going along with the prince of human area 2, werewolf princess and mef'ia princess. Werewolves are part wolfs and part human. They were known for being stronger and fast on land. Mef'ias were part cat part human. Mef'ia known as sneaking and in trees, they were the faster ones. They had spilt areas because all have cultures that do not fit with with others. Werewolf and Mefw'ia were part human and animal so if they hard hard enough they could let their animal genes out.

"Aww sweetie I took it when I went to the camp," said The Queen

"Yeah but a whole sword! What would I even need that? It's just a camp," replied May with a joking tone

"But you never know. You are going there for 4 years!" Said the Queen with tears in her eyes

May looked over at her mom to see her in tears. She felt kinda bad.

"Mom don't cry. Think about it when I am done you can finally have a someone to pass the crown to. Soooo, in other words, pass the pressure on me," said May with a smile on her face

May was a short skinny human with brown hair with tan skin and chocolate eyes. She kept packing as her mom helped her find all the things needed. She didn't have too much time to pack for 4 years without going home. May was scared but didn't want to show that.

"So you have all the thing you need. The camp with giving you clothes," Said The queen with some shakiness in her voice.

"Brush, area symbol, toothbrush, pen, paper. I have got it all. In fact the camp is going to give me most of the things in need," Said May anxious to start a new life and live with random roommates. She once had a sister but she ran away when she was little.

"Well the ship has most likely docked," Stated the queen.

May goes to hug her mom. May cries not able to hold it in anymore.

"Oh honey you'll do fine," remarked the queen as hugging May

May waved to her mom as she walked out of the room. She looks through the hallways which she had flashbacks of her childhood. She stopped and stared at the door. It was a tall oak door with step outside of it

"May meet Luke," Said the queen.

" You're pretty," Said baby Luke.

"Aww, thanks," said little baby May.

Both of the parents laughed. They there on the steps outside.

May flashed back and remembered the boat was here she ran all the way to go meet a childhood friend, Luke. Luke was a tall kinda thin male with brown hair with blue at the tips. May walk down the neighborhood and the people living there looked shocked and they all clapped as May walk to the port

"Thank you. Thank you."

May walks to the dock and when she got there she tapped on Luke's back. He turns around and look confused and look down to see May holding her bag ready to go

"Hey Shorty," said Luke with a grin

"Hi bell tower" replied May wittyfully

Luke laughed. He loved when May joked back with him

"Morning May," Said Luke

"It's the afternoon silly" Replied May with a joking tone

"Yeah.. but knowing you-you probably just woke up," Said luke in a witty matter.

"Hahaha" May sarcastically laugh

"Aww come on it's a joke" Joked, Luke

"Yeah yeah. Let's just board the boat before I hit you" retorted May

"If you reach my face" chuckled Luke

They load on the boat. Only to find some people there and most of the people there looking at their feet not talking at all

"What is going on?" puzzled May

She looked around only to see everyone looking at her And luke and whispered things. May was so confused on what they were talking about.

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