Be carful who you anger

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(This was my first horror story i'm sorry if it is bad, keep in mind the main character has researched everything about her victim so that is how she knows a lot about her. Please enjoy the story and be free to tell me any mistakes you catch that I did not)

 I can see my spanish teacher turn the corner and enter her house. I stay by the bush that i'm behind and continue to look like i'm reading my book. As soon as it's dark I get up, and take a short cut to the back of her house. I know that she always leaves the side door of her house unlocked, so I sneak in and hide in the shadows of her home. She looks at the corner that i'm in, so I move closer to the darkness. She gave up trying to find something that moved and went back to whatever she was doing. I took this chance and dashed to a different room. She saw me in the corner of her eye and turned around quickly, however I was already hidden.

She was getting scared but told herself the it was just in her head. "Oh how naive" I thought to myself. I was behind the wall right next to her. She was apparently cooking dinner for herself. I'm glad that she lives alone, it makes my job so much easier. I decided to have some more fun with this, so I grabbed a vase and broke it on a desk in the hall after i made sure my gloves were on tight. She screamed and turned around at the speed of light. She shakily stepped toward the mess to see what happened. She saw what was left of the vase on the floor, and the water and flowers on the floor.

When she finally figured out that the other half of the vase wasn't there she tried turning around but I had already shoved the glass material into her chest and covered her mouth so no sound would be emitted. Her screams were muffled, and I kept shoving the glass into her heart, while she squirmed as much as she could against me. After about two minutes her body went limp, her eyes rolled into the back of her sockets, and her eyelids closed.

I lay her on the ground gently and looked at the mess I had created. I sighed and started to clean up the disaster. I threw the vase into the fire that my teacher had started and cleaned up the water and the flowers. I gave the flowers a different container and dried the water from the wood floor boards.

I go up towards her room to get some clothes from her closet and put them on. I find some blue jeans and a T-shirt that has sugar skulls on it. "I'm surprised this fits," I throw my blood stained clothes in the fire as i did the vase and head out the side door from which I came through.

It was a short walk to my house and as soon as I got there, my dog practically knocked me to the ground as he pounced on me and gave me a hug. I live alone with him now after my parents died in a car crash two years ago. I chuckled at my dog and lead us both to the living room. I soon collapsed on the couch with my german shepherd on top of me sleeping soundly. I decided to join him and soon let sleep consume me as well.


I awoke to my dog barking at me to wake up, I smiled at him and pet him behind his ears. He made a sound of happyness and I smiled once more, I got up and stretched, then I heard a notification on my phone go off. I picked my device up and it showed that I was texted by an unknown number. I checked the message any way and saw that it said:

???: meet me at the park behind your house

"What the hell?" I thought to myself. "Well I don't want to know what will happen if I don't show up, so I guess I have to go." I packed a bag so it would look like I was actually doing something at the park, and not possibly standing around awkwardly. I said goodbye to Acid (my dog) and went on my way. As soon as I got there my phone buzzed.

???: Where are you?

Me: At the entrance to the park

???: Meet me by the start of the forest so we can talk in private

Me: I'll be there in five minutes

???: See you there

I closed my phone and started to walk at a medium pace so it wouldn't look suspicious and I would get there at quickly. There was only one person there, he had black hair and caramel eyes. He wore a dark blue bennie, a leather jacket, a blue horizontal striped shirt, and a regular pair of blue jeans on. He looked in my direction and smirked and came towards me. I kept a straight face while he slowly crept to me.

"So your the famous Zane Riker i've heard so much about. I must say i'm impressed that your so young and doing such a mind breaking job." I stare at him intently," I'm not a child if that's what you're implying, that side of me left a long time ago." he chuckled at that statement and smiled slightly, it was more calming and inviting than before, I relaxed slightly. " I didn't mean to insult you princess, I was just stating that you looked at least seven-teen and innocent, it's a good cover scheme," I smiled slightly.

"Thank you, you have a good cover yourself. However," his expression turned from mischievous to intrigued confusion. "I feel as if I am at a disadvantage, fore you seem to know a lot about me, but I know nothing about you," he again chuckled "My apologies miss, my name is Hunter Rogel, he bowed slightly "pleasure to make your acquaintance." I giggled softly. "The pleasure is all mine, however I still don't know why you called me here in the first place." he rose from his position.

"Ah, my apologies, for I have asked you here on the occasion for you to join me and my crew, I have seen what you're capable of and I am highly intrigued." I had a face of amazement showing. "You have your own crew?" I asked excitedly, positive I had stars in my eyes. "Yep, and they could be your crew as well, just as long as you join." I smiled brightly but it soon faltered. "What if your crew doesn't want me" he intertwined his hand in mine, " I don't care if they don't accept you, I do, and that is all that matters" I smiled and hugged him tightly.

" Maybe now I won't be alone anymore"

THE END... or is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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