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   Running as fast as my legs could carry, I saw myself in an alley, about to fall into a nearby ditch...

   Speechless, not knowing what to say or what to do, they were carrying me into a cave. In every movie I've watched, it always ends badly for the dude being carried... Me!

   "Do I know you?", I asked the pretty girl I just met. She looked just as confused as I was. She kissed me. Don't know what that was for but... I'm fading, no... Dying.

   Waking up for the umpteenth time. Now I know I'm sane. I look around, I'm in some sort of room - it's like a classroom. Someone walks in through the door and turns the lights on. "Hey, you!", he points at me. "What're you doing here?"... I'm as surprised as he is apparently. He asks for my name. That's okay, except I don't have any idea.

  I'm in a psychiatrist ward. I'm being asked questions, I'm supposed to know all these, bit I don't. I'm feeling dizzy again.

   "Woah", I'm awake. Now I'm in my room, this doesn't feel like a dream. I check my phone, still charging on the side stool. She texted me. "Want to see you again". I yawn and head for my bathroom. I pull my clothes and step into the tub. I run the waters and lie in it for a bit. I reminisce on my dreams. I hear a knock on my room door - it's my sister's friend. "It's open", I shout. She walks in, and I hear the door click shut. She opens my bathroom door and smiling, she asks me what I'm doing in the tub by 3 in the morning. "What are you doing in my room by... ", she cuts me short. "You know why I'm here". "Can I hop in?", she asks already pulling off her night gown. "It's a little hot", I warn. "Just the way I like it", she says as she climbs in. I'm used to her already, but I still can't get over her body. Her curves, a big ass and moderately large boobs.

    I remember when we first met. My sis invited her friends over for some slumber party and that was the same day I got my Netflix account renewed. It was just gonna be me, popcorn, my laptop and my favourite couch. After promising my sis I wouldn't get in their way, I made myself comfortable. Then they came in in their numbers and I couldn't help checking them out, but this wasn't my fault. I figured they found me attractive and decided to move their slumber location to the sitting room I was in. One named Sandra sat next to me and we got talking. From the look my sister gave me, I figured I broke my promise, so I got a move on and went to room. Turned on the air conditioner, dimmed the lights and went under my blankets. I did a little bit of Instagram scrolling, then I started chatting up my friends. Then after a little while, I heard a knock on my door. It was her.s
I opened the door and peeked out. "Hey, I'm Vanessa", she said with a smile. "Uh.. Hey, I'm Chris", I replied and let her in. The rest was a history of talking and flirting.

    She lay beside me, looked at me for a while, a little awkwardly, then we kissed and I rolled her on top of me. She looked into my eyes... "Should we tell her about us?", she was referring to my sister. "It's safe not to, believe me", I giggled and we made out again.

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