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Ok everyone before I start the story there's a few things I need to go over with you. 1:I have trouble putting my thoughts into words so don't blame me. 2: I'm not gonna make a schedule of when I'm gonna update cause I can't trust myself well enough to follow it. 3: feel  free point to out if I made any mistakes . 4: don't be a ghost reader feel free to comment. 5: please don't leave hate comments on my story I try really hard to make these.6: be prepared for cringy moments cause I'm all about cringe when I write. 7: enjoy 😊.
No ones POV
Daniel was raised by his mother in a not so good neighborhood. He was bullied at school for being fat, short, and ugly. (In my opinion he was not ugly). Everyday was like hell for him.

One day Daniel decided that he had enough of being bullied. So he saved up enough money to get plastic surgery. He became tall, skinny, and attractive. He had later told his mom that he was tired of being in his school and that he wanted to go to another school. She said that he could go to another school but he had to move out and live in his own apartment cause his mother couldn't leave town cause of her job.
Daniel had arrived at his new apartment. He unpacked his bags. He then decided to go to sleep early cause he's gonna start school tomorrow. He was having a weird dream.


Daniel woke up on grass in the middle of nowhere. He tried to get up but something or someone was holding him down. When he turned around to see what it was, he saw a cute guy with blonde hair. He couldn't see his eyes cause he had bangs covering
them. He tried to escape his grasp but the other guy was too strong. About 30 attempts of trying to break free he finally got out off. He stood up about to run to find a exit when the blond guy grabbed his leg making him fall back down on the floor. He fell on his back. The blonde guy then went on top of Daniel and kissed him passionately.
                       End of dream

Daniel woke up with his heart pounding. He looked at the time on his phone. It was 10 minutes before he had to get up for school so he got up a little early. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, and comp his hair. By the time he was done with that it was time to go to school. As he walked though the school gates he saw people staring at him and whispering to each other.In a couple of seconds the school bell rang and everyone started to walk inside the school. Daniel asked a girl if she could led him to his classroom. The girl gladly agreed. When Daniel got to the classroom he saw the teacher standing outside the door. "Your the transfer student right." She asked. "Y-yes." Daniel replied a little nervous. "Ok wait here I'll tell you when to come in the classroom ok". Daniel nodded.

"Ok class..... class....... class......... CLASS SHUT THE F@CK UP BEFORE I GET THE PRINCIPAL UP HEAR. Now that your quite, what I wanted to say was that we have a transfer student joining our class today. Come on in." Daniel walked in the classroom. "H-hello everyone my n-name is Daniel Park." "Ok Daniel you can sit in the over there next to Jay." Daniel looked over to the person the teacher pointed to. "Holy sh!t that's the guy from my dream." He thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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