tier 1

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I am the one you fear the one with the honeyed words and the poison tongue. Humble as a lamb proud as i lion. I am the light in the dark, the focus in confusion. I am the revelation in the apocalypse. Ive tamed dragons and ive faught Hercules himself and faired beautifully. I taught God to hate and showed the devil how to love. Ive feasted on mortality and abandoned morality. I am wraths hapiness. And im a blissfully bitter taste. I am time.

They fall in line like cogs in a machine turning in cadence. One by one the machine cranks to the sound of crushing hopes and dreams. Talents slaughtered from abuse and misuse, and new ideals swatted down by those who fear of change. A revolution is coming. A day of reconing. A day where the machines fight back against the money that powers them.  Survival of the fittest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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