The Move

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   "Mom why do we have to move it's my senior year and I know everyone here. All my friends live here." Kaylee says. "You know why we're moving or at least should know, I told you like 10 times." Her Mom told Kaylee.

    Just then Kaylee's little brother Zain came into the room. "Mommy why is sissy mad?" "Kaylee is upset because she does not want to move." Mom told Zain.

    Zain then makes a show of stomping over to his older sister and setting himself on the floor while saying, "If sissy doesn't wanna then I don't wanna."

   Kaylee looks to her brother and smiles softly at him. 'He's so adorable.' She looks back at their mom and says, "See he agrees with me."

  "Of course he does, dear. He loves taking your side in everything. He likes making you happy because it make him happy, but it doesn't change the fact that we have to move."

   "Mooom, ugh, why though?" Kaylee groans.

    Their mom sighs but says anyway, "Because your father asked to see you and you know how he can be and besides you should be happy to see your father. Since you haven't seen him since he left us after Zain was born, but he promised to try to make it up to you guys, so please give him a chance. I know you guys don't want to and to be all honest I don't either but I know it will be good for you both to spend some time with your father."

    Kaylee relents saying, "Alright Mom, I'll try but I really don't think he deserves a chance. Not after him abandoning us like he did. I don't want to make this anymore difficult on you though, so I'll try."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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