New kid.

17 1 0


I groaned and turned off my alarm.  I smiled at the fact it was the last week of school. 

I got up and took a hot shower. Afterwards I went to my closet and tried to decide what to wear. Finally I decided on  a purple shirt that was low in the front but kinda long in the back, with booty shorts, and purple sneakers. 

I straightened my hair, which took forever since I was a natural curl head

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I straightened my hair, which took forever since I was a natural curl head. Then put on my gray beanie.

I went downstairs for breakfast and met my sister. My twin sister.

Diane: woah Mami looking hot today!
Me: same to you babe!

Me and Diane been so close since birth. I guess it's a twin thing. We might be twins but we was completely different.  Me, Kylie, I like sports, love to me exact.  My favorite being football. Anyways I didn't really care to be dressed up all the time. I like the way i dress, but I will dress up for special occasions.

On the other hand my sister, Diane, dressed classy and sassy.  She cared alot about her figure and the way she dressed. She loved shopping on the other hand. And she was very well at getting the guys.

We both got into my car, a white porche, and drove to school. I met my best friend which was Cameron. She was also mixed. Me, her and Diane we're like the 3 amigos. We walked to class together

* RING *

I rushed down the hall getting to class before my teacher notice I was gone.  I walked in quietly

Mr. Hays : Ms. Houstin your late.
Me: yes sir, I was in the restroom
Mr. Hays: go get a tardy pass

I walked down the hall on my phone texting Cameron about what happened in class.
I suddenly got bumped into and my phone fell out of my hands.
Me: watch where you going
   ( I wasnt afraid to say thing either )
Guy: in my defense you was the one looking at your phone.
I grabbed my phone and looked up. I saw a guy. Black hair, blue eyes, and muslces.  I could of sworen I was dreaming. 
He shirt was tight enough to see he had abs.
Guy: hello, my face is up here.
Me: oh sorry
  I blushed a little
Me: sorry about that. I'm Kylie.
Guy: I'm James.  The new kid
  I laughed. And asked if he was lost. I showed him in the direction of the math hall.  We then exchanged numbers and I walked to the main office.

Man.  He was Soo cute.

I snapped out of my thoughts as my phone vibrated.

Thanks for showing
me wear to go sweetheart
                                     Of course;)
I put my phone away and smiled. I immediately took out my phone and texted Cameron.

                                I just ran into
                           the most cutest
                            Guy!! -kylie
Go Mami! Can't
wait to meet him ;)

I decided to just skip the rest of school because I didn't want to go to tardy hall.  So I went home and thought about him, James. My heart increased  at the thought  Hoping to see him soon.

Hey guys! It's new and I'm still new at this.  I hope y'all enjoy!

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