As early as i can remmember

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A long time ago, My mom got with a man named Bob. Witch was short for Robert. They weren't married yet because they were going slow and doing it right. This guy seemed okay at first, But then "as all guys do he, hide his true self". A few years into the relationship they still weren't married, But he started to show his true colors. This guy was really abusive towards my siblings and I, But the worse part is that he hit my mom in front of us and we couldn't do a thing. Well my mom had me see a consoler same with my siblings. While I was talking to her she asked if he hit us. I said yes, because I wanted to get away from him. But my siblings said no I don't know why but they did. That night cops actually showed up at my house to talk to them. Little did I know they could have token me from my mom. Welp after she gave Robert a bunch of chances he did the same thing each time. She left him and we moved out and into my grandmas home. Witch had its ups and downs. Anyways after that she meet two guys and went on a date to choose witch one she would go with. "Lol" with my moms bad choice in men she choose a guy named mike short for Michael. This guy rushed to marry my mom. So within a month they were married and we lived in an apartment with him. This guy was actually cool. Then he cheated on my mom with two "no offense" old lady's. For some reason she stayed with him. A year later we had a home. Where he started to hurt all of us and he got to be to much for my mom so she started to not come out of her room. So it was just my brother,sister,and I. My brother had to raise us for that time being. Then my mom found some guy they became friends and my mom divorced this guy and started to date this new guy named Adam. Coolest guy I've ever meet. "Lol" expect we had to move all the way across the country. Once we made it we started living with his mom with no money at all and high faith in god. Well not Even a year later we had an apartment my mom was getting paid like 15$ an hour and my dad had a pretty good welding job. Then I made some bad choices and got kicked out of school for drawing a gun. Everyone thought that I was mentally unstable. "Wait" forgot to tell you the cops found 3 letters my friend gave me. You all know how letters start ( dear name,) well since it had my name on it I wrote them so the school got my parents to think I'm mentally unstable. So I got a counselor and a after school job thing so I go in do some work then me and this guy read the Bible. Witch is nice cuz I could always use more Jesus. But now I can't do really anything without someone saying something. " lol don't draw guns kids". It might just get you kicked out of school.

Anyways that's my life so far hope you enjoyed leave a comment 😉 and think before you do

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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