Lonely boy

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He is always alone, he's alone at school, on the streets, at the mall. Whenever Bokuto sees him, he is alone. Bokuto doesn't stalk this boy or whatever; it's just that whenever this beautiful boy is around Koutarou's eyes are automatically drawn to him. Everyone's eyes actually. I mean, this boy is the most beautiful person on Fukurodani, everybody wants to get close to him, but no one had the courage it seems. Bokuto finds that so sad...

He always has a book with him, if he's sitting somewhere he reads it, if he's walking you can see him holding onto the book, always a different cover, except once in a while, he appears with this book, this blue book and when he reads it Bokuto see the softest expression he has ever seen.

Bokuto finds out the boy's name and his class, Akaashi Keiji, 1 year younger than himself, judging by what others from Akaashi's class said, he was also alone in the classroom, always studying, his grades were one of the bests at their school. Beautiful and intelligent, shit, Koutarou is falling in love. Becoming somewhat aware of his feelings, Bokuto starts thinking of ways to talk to the younger. He's daydreaming about it when, from the corner of his eyes, he sees Akaashi throwing his blue book, his favourite book, at the bin.

Without even thinking, he runs towards the boy and calls him out; startled, Keiji turns too fast and loses his balance. "Gotcha." Bokuto says as he holds the younger boy in his arms. When he sees the tears coming out of those beautiful green eyes, Koutarou freaks out.

"Shit, did I hurt you? What happened? Why are you throwing this book on the trash, you shouldn't do that. I mean, isn't it your favourite book? Why would you do that?"

"C-calm down, you're talking too fast. Who are you? Are you stalking me? And could you please let me go?"

Damn, now the beautiful boy thinks he is a stalker. Bokuto starts to curse himself inside his own head for always acting before thinking, he lets Akaashi go, then, with his so famous smile he introduces himself "I'm Bokuto Koutarou from class 2-b, I'm sorry that I scared you and I'm not a stalker, I just... erm... I kind of watched you? Not in a weird way, it's just that you were always alone and I wanted to be your friend but didn't know how. Normally, I would just go ahead and say 'hello' and stick around, but for some reason I... I wanted to be different?"

The golden-eyed boy speaks so fast that he fascinates Keiji, Akaashi finds him very adorable, like an animal, probably an owl, oh, Akaashi loves owls. "Well and how did you know my name, Bokuto-san?"

"I asked around, apparently you're quite famous around here." Bokuto laughs and finally a small smile spreads on Akaashi's face. "You sound even more like a stalker."

"You still haven't answered me."

"Well, we aren't close enough. At least, not yet."


Maybe he looks like a dog, that's what Akaashi thinks.

Even though he doesn't feel like, every morning Keiji wakes up and goes to school. It's not like he wants to be home either, but at least there he can pretends he doesn't exist. But every morning he is glad that he got out of his bed and is at school, because, every morning, Bokuto-san is there for him. It's been a month since they first talked, they became very close friends, friends that go out together, visit each other's house (only Bokuto's actually) and talk about everything, that big owl even convinced Keiji to start practising volleyball. Akaashi has never been this happy, he hasn't got a friend since a while ago (even that he has already told Bokuto-san, even though he didn't tell the reason) and now he has a whole team that swear they are family on and out of court.

After a month, Bokuto is still there, so Akaashi decides to tell him today.


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