What happend

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A dedication to my big sister.

Hi, my name is Kori.

My big sister started to make a few diary entries the day the sun was taken away. They are one of the only things that kept her sane after the dome came.

Iv decided to make a book with them and this is kind of like a prologue before you read her diary entry's.

All we had left was ourselves.

We had been cut off from the new world and left to die.

The government is evil. We all know that. We tired to stop them from blocking out the sun from old earth.

Our protests only made them work faster to build the "bowl". The "bowl" is basically a giant dome like thing that the new earth covered the old earth in. nothing could get in and nothing could get out.

You see the world is split into two halfs. One half is the new earth where all the rich and powerful government live. The other half is where the rest of us were put. They wanted to get rid of us quickly and efficiently so they moved us all here. But that wasn't good enough so they decided to try kill us all too. Their way of doing this is to block the sun; and thats exactly what they have done.

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