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She sat in her room, the lowered static sound of her speakers was almost completely washed out by the silence on the other side of the phone. As Nora closed her eyes she thought one thing, please just don't say that my thoughts are true.

All she needed was for him to tell her that she was just overthinking, she was just reading too far into things as per usual. That's all she needed. It wasn't what she got.

"I, I just can't Nor, I'm sorry," he said into the phone. It was so much easier than having her be in front of him because the last thing that Conner needed was to see her face when he said his next words, "I just don't think I love you in that way anymore," he waited. Silence.

He heard her inhale, "Thanks for being honest," she murmured.
"Nora, I'm sorry," Conner felt bad, of course, but he just couldn't keep lying to her like this.
"It's fine. It's really just fine, don't apologize for being human," he heard her voice crack on the last word.
"So, no hard feelings?" He asked, Conner wanted a friendship with her at least- he didn't want to fade from her life completely.
"Yeah, sure. No hard feelings," she said and with that Conner hung up the call.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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