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"Jihyo-ah! Let's go for breakfast. If you're not up in two minutes, we'll just leave you here." Nayeon's voice called from afar, echoing faintly in Jihyo's sleep-fuddled mind.

"Just go ahead without me unnie, I wanna sleep in a bit more." She replied; at least, that was what she thought she said. To Nayeon's ears, it was a string of incomprehensible mutterings that sounded suspiciously close to 'Leave me the fuck alone'.

"Alright you ingrate, don't whine when we're back."

With that she left with Jeongyeon, and Jihyo relished in her silence. Not wasting a minute, she pulled the blanket over her head and drowned in slumber once more.


When she woke a few minutes (or was it a few hours?) later, her friends weren't yet home. Groggily rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Jihyo grunted uncharacteristically as she struggled to stand up. She would have loved to ditch breakfast altogether and sleep in until noon- or better yet, afternoon- but the stomach that had ingested nothing but alcohol for two days insisted otherwise. It was getting increasingly hard to lie still when her abdomen twisted and churned, demanding to be filled with solid food. Before long, she gave up trying to fall back asleep and reluctantly got out of the bedroom in search of something edible.

The next few minutes found Jihyo at the dining table, greedily devouring a bowl of cereal she chanced upon in a random cupboard. It was not her favorite choice of meal, yet for now, the cereal might as well be expired and she would still find it delicious. Finishing her food, Jihyo sad still for a moment and sighed. She couldn't believe she just ate cereal, and found it palatable at that. As she brought the bowl into the kitchen, she rolled her eyes in irritation- in the sink was a total mess, with plates, bowls and chopsticks haphazardly thrown everywhere.

"Jinjja, Nayeon-unnie..." Jihyo muttered under her breath. "It's a miracle how you're still surviving."

Being someone who could not stand looking at a mess, Jihyo grabbed a pair of rubber gloves and got down to cleaning. The ring on her finger made it difficult to put on the skintight gloves, so she took it off and set it next to the sink.

As Jihyo diligently scrubbed sauce and leftover scraps from the dirty dishes, she wondered why her insides were still tossing and turning even though her appetite was already sated.

It was like her mind had forgotten something important and life-changing, but her body hadn't. So it was trying its best to remind her, but to no avail.

Jihyo shook her head and went back to the bedroom, giddy to catch some additional shut-eye.


"Annyeong?" Jihyo lazily picked up her phone. Whoever dared to disturb her sleep better have a damn good reason for it.

"Jihyo! Where are you? Get your ass to the chapel ASAP! We're all waiting here, I'm at the reception at the moment. Hurry the hell up!" A voice boomed from the speaker. Without giving the sleepy girl one second to reply, the person on the other end of the line hung up. It was Jisoo, her cousin.

Jihyo dropped her phone with a groan. "It's my cousin. She's telling me to get to the wedding quickly. Man, it's still so early..." She flopped back to bed, burying her head in the fluffy pillow.

"You seem pretty close to your extended family, aren't ya?" Nayeon casually asked, her eyes not leaving the laptop.

"Yeah... It was Jisoo on the phone, my aunt's eldest daughter. We've been together since we were born. Every weekend I visited my grandparents' home, and we played around together. Then we grew up, and somehow things still stay the same." Jihyo answered, smiling fondly at the memories.

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