Prologue - All That I Wanted

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Disclaimer: I (Ella) have not seen a single video made by three of these YouTubers (Ross, Adam, Cory) and a few videos (ie: 4-7ish) from two of these channels (Shelby and Max). Only Jess' channel I have watched many videos on, but only a few in the last several months. I based these character's personalities entirely off other fanfiction here on Wattpad. If the personalities of my characters do not fit the actual YouTuber's personality, than I am very sorry. I also changed bits of their personality to better suit the story (ex: Shelby irl is not narcissistic, but in this story she is), and me and Sara really just invented an entire new personality for Adam... so... oops. I apologize in advance for this not being perfectly accurate. 

Why am I making this? Because why the hell not. I'm bored.

Also, Sara drew the cover for this


"Good luck, dearest!" My mother called to me as she was pulled away by the sea of parents flooding the doors to the stadium.

"Bye, mother!" I called back, my high chirp barely audible over the loud noise filling the entrance hall. My mother waved one last time before disappearing through the doors that lead to the seats.

Turning, I skipped happily through the crowds of people, referencing the flyer in my hand several times, though I knew it by heart.  I couldn't afford to get lost today. 

I was going to get my magic! Every year, the ten-year-olds from each part of the kingdom were tested in this stadium, to see if they possessed any magical skill. I was sure- absolutely, positively sure- that I had magic. There were six elements- or categories, as I liked to think of them- of magic. The basics: Water, Air, Earth, and Fire, along with the more rare categories of Darkness and Light.

I knew I would be Light. My parents called me their little sunbeam, my friends called me a ray of light, what with my optimistic personality. I would never hurt anything, so me possessing the healing powers of Light just... well, made sense.

I happily skipped into a large side room, my rose-red hair bouncing along with me. The room was filled with nervous-looking kids my age, huddled in groups, whispering frantically, or else standing alone.

He was one of the latter.

My skip sort of died as soon as I saw him. I stared at him, disbelieving, because how, why, could he be here?

Perhaps he felt me staring, or turned to see who had entered the room. Whatever the case be, our eyes connected, and I felt a surge of deep, uncharacteristic loathing. 

I'll kill him for standing there, that expression on his face, how DARE he look at me like that, I am more than he will ever be...

I stamped down on that train of thought, shocked at myself. I had never wished anyone harm, let alone death. I turned away from him and stood as far away from him as I could, striking up conversation with a small boy with brown hair and oversized glasses. 

A tired-looking woman with faded pink hair trudged into the room. "Alright, children," She said in a weary British accent. "Follow me, and stay in an orderly line, please." I could hear the plea in her voice, and felt a surge of pity.

I took the lead, noticing how he took the back of the line. I disregarded it and followed the pink-haired woman out into a corridor, until we stopped again.The corridor had a lofty, high ceiling, framed with dark wooden arches.  The walls were brightly painted with depictions of the Spirits of the Elements: a tall, lanky woman made of midnight-black smoke, a man, tending to his flourishing garden, a small child, racing through the trees, sending leaves flying in her wake, a female, made of smoke and fire, a male, his lower half made completely of water, and another male, his golden aura shining over all of the others. And, above them all, was the goddess Fortune, her face featureless, clutching a markingless sand-colored stone.

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