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The Pack of Spirits

(The wolves' ancestors, joining this pack when they die.)

The Pack of Rain and Water (Kind, smart, witty)

Alpha Male:

(The leader of the pack, mates with the alpha female, leads pack hunts)

Ocean - A huge dark gray wolf with glowing amber eyes

Alpha Female:

(The co-leader of the pack, mates with the alpha male, leads pack hunts)

Stream - A white-and-silver she-wolf with dark brown eyes


(Second in commands, becoming alpha male/female when the other dies, helps lead pack hunts)

Storm - A gray and white wolf with dark gray eyes

Typhoon - A dark gray she-wolf with almost black fur, pale amber eyes


(Heals wolves that are hurt or sick, can read signs and are very secretive and religious)

Seafoam - A gray-and-white male with pale sea-green eyes


(Hunt food individually, protect the pack from trespassers)

Creek - A beautiful speckled gray and white she-wolf with gray-green eyes

Lake - A lithe silvery she-wolf with startling amber eyes

Pond - A thin wolf with a huge scar down his face, brown with dark gray eyes

Rain - A ruddy brown wolf with gray-green eyes

Minnow - A silver male with battles scars everywhere with amber eyes

Beach - A dappled gray-and-brown she-wolf with light brown-amber eyes


(Rear pups, occasionally hunt while not nursing)

Sea - A dark gray she-wolf with bright green eyes

Nursing pups


(Are trained how to hunt and fight for a certain period of time, trained by any wolf in the pack)

River - A pretty sleek-furred light gray she-wolf with pale green eyes, is in the Wolves of the Moon

Mist - A misty gray she-wolf with dark hazel eyes

Flood - A handsome dark gray wolf with dark amber eyes

Torrent - A slick almost-black male with green eyes with flecks of amber


(Lowest ranking in the pack, is the pup-sitter while the pack is gone)

Downpour - A huge dark gray wolf with intense amber eyes, scars all over his face and flank


Current - A pretty long-furred light gray she-wolf with green eyes, daughter of Sea

Wave - A small jet-black male with amber eyes, son of Sea

The Pack of Fire and Light

(Brave, devoted, strong)

Alpha Male:

Flame - A red-brown battle-scarred wolf with startling amber eyes

Alpha Female:

Sun - A golden brown she-wolf with dark gray eyes

Wolves of the Moon #2: The Captured SoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang