Chapter 1

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Desperate to get away from the party, I stormed out of the house. Really, I love Bonnie to death, but I swear if she demands me to go get the crowd another round of beer, I was going to freak out on her.

Alcohol really brings out the worst in her, but given that we were having my welcoming party, I couldn't complain. We've been best friends since elementary school back in our hometown, Mystic Falls. Her parents bought her a house here in the French Quarter of New Orleans for college and lucky for me, I only need to pay little rent.

For a while during our junior year, she treated me a little too cold from how I was used to, but her Grams died that year, so I couldn't really blame her. She managed to warm up to me again the year after, and here we are now. College!

She moved a week before I did because she didn't really have much business in town to worry about. As for me, being the control freak that I am, I still had to hand down the student council to someone who could actually handle it. April Young was a good girl, but I was too scared that she would ruin everything that I did for the school.

We still need to go back to Mystic Falls after one month for graduation, but we wanted to settle in town before 'officially' moving in.

“Hey!” I shouted at a man who bumped onto my shoulders, “Watch where you're going!” I almost fell out of balance, maybe I also had too much to drink for the night.

The man gripped my forearm very tightly, pulling me a little closer to him. His back was to me and I couldn't see his face, but he looked old from behind. He gave my arm a strong pull, jerking our faces in front of each other's. “What are —” he stopped. It took him a while to speak again, “Watch who you're bumping into, love. There are several unpleasant men in the city that you would not want to mess with.”

British. Excellent. “Don't try to be coy with me with your British accent, mister. And would you be so kind as to let go of my arm?”

He smirked. Dimples embedded into both his cheeks as he slowly released my arm. He looked down the arm to which he released, “Might leave a bruise, but you'll live.” I gave him a scornful look before turning my back to him. First day in town and I already meet a d-bag. How much more of his kind is there around here?

The fast and loud footsteps from behind me caught my attention. I turned my head and saw that same man, trying to catch up with my pace, “I'm sorry, love. I forgot to introduce myself. Klaus,” he said, pushing his hand towards me to shake. “Welcome to the city of New Orleans.”

I stared down at it, not really sure what I should do. “I'm sorry. I don't talk to strangers.”

He let out a throaty chuckle, “That's quite a reasonable argument, but I guarantee you that the awkwardness of this is merely temporary.”

I raised an eyebrow, “I thought I told you to stop being coy with me? Let me help you get the big picture. When people walk away from you, it means that they’re not interested.”

He made a playful squint on his face, “You seriously don't know who I am.”

“I didn't know that it was my obligation to.” Amusement spread across his face, “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than to chat with you.”

Again, I turned my back to Mr. Douche bag guy, but I swear that I heard him laugh before I left. I mentally rolled my eyes, already dreading the place. It wasn't really my dream to come and live in this city. I never even imagined myself in a place like this. Maybe Paris or Rome, but not here. Unfortunately, Q & S Journ is positioned here. It’s just the most amazing journalism firm I ever heard of and I badly want an internship with them. I’m planning to send in my résumé some time during college, but I couldn’t contain the excitement.

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