1R Other Category Judging Begins!

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Greetings! Since it's already 26 April, the primary judges for Other category can start judging now.

To all the participants, please follow your primary judges respectively. You can unfollow them after the award ended.


Each judge will judge 8-9 books. (You don't have to divide them)

The books assigned to the judges are:



1)The Cover-up Boyfriend by Fandom_chic17

2) Wonder by Kooks_Timberlands

3) His First Love by sugaisfloofy

4) One Mistake. Ten Lies. by Prntai

5) Call Me Hyung!! by kimseoksalsa

6) Long Way Down by crazy_munchkin

7) Lost in Transient Dream by chesuto_mochi

8) To the Edge of The Sky by YahSesanginGirl

9) Unknown Myths by TaedyBear02



10) Choose: Me or Him? by sighlevi

11) More Than by Sugasluv

12) The Girl With The Guitar by downmixx

13)Treat You Better by Sadist_King


15)For You by lenoxARMY16

16) The Square by AnjellaBangtanTrash

17) Classmates by AuthorVc

18) -no entry-


To all the primary judges, kindly check our reading list for the books.

We already arranged them according to the list above, but please double check (we might arrange the books incorrectly).

Make sure you are judging the right book.

Please refer to 'Judging Criteria' before you begin to judge.

The judges must read all the chapters, except if the book has more than 60 chapters, you're required to read until chapter 60.

Submit the score before:
14 June 2018 (KST).

It would be good if you could submit the score earlier but please don't exceed the deadline because we still have 2nd round of judging.

Please comment, 'Noted' here if you have read this. (Judge only)

Happy judging!

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