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*at the lion heart guild*

Narrators P.O.V


As Rin and Silver enter their guild hall al the members to too look their way. The silence broke as a tall male with short blonde hair spoke "Rin chan Silver chan when Eren gets back hes gonna murder u!?" The blonde spoke shaking at his own words. The males name was Ryan Heartfillia lion hearts celestial wizard. Rin and Silvers grins quickly turned to a quaking frown as they heard Ryans words. "It wasnt my fault that Snow man here decided to go flirt with some dude" rin grunted "Hey who ya calling Snow Man Pyro!?" Silver snarled back as the guild broke into complete chaos once again. Ryan sighed lazily and sat at the bar next to a short brown haired male who was drinking a entire barrel of vodka. "Kein u will die if u keep drinking that much" he sighed. This heavy drinkers name was Kein Alberona a tarrow cards mage. As Kein finished his drink his sloppily placed it on the table and looked at Ryan "u cant *hick* tell me what to *burp* do ya blonde ape" he drunkily snarled. Ryan looked at his friend in a sympathetic manor. "Kein i see you are drinking again" a white haired male smiled this delightful young man was Jake Strauss the satan soul takeover wizard. Ryan sighed in relief that he wasnt the only one who had ro deal with the heavy drinkers drunken state. Soon after wards the 3 males attention turned to a certain black haired female chomping her way through a bar of iron. This is Granite Redfox a iron dragon slayer. And the worlds most arrogant female ever. They watched her pierce the iron with 2 sharp canines but instantly turned away when they realised shed noticed them. the guild continued fo race around breaking everything in their paths after all no one was gonna stop them. Or were they. "Im glad that red haired party crasher aint here!" Silver chanted. "Yeah next time when we fight ill beat him for sure" Rin shouted in agreement to the ice mages words. The guild went silent again suddenly as the clinking and clanking of armour was heard. But of cause neither the ice mage nor dragon slayer heard this. The members began whispering to each other in fear and began to hide or back away slowly. As the doors flung open revealing a tall man with bright red hair and shining armour. This is Eren Scarlett and everybody was afraid of him. "I have some important news.." he said. The guild gathered around. Scared and afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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