Beyond the Walls

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Note: Not all chapters will be lemons. It will be specified in the chapter title if it is a lemon.


"______," A voice called.

I looked to my left as I snapped out of my day dream about my family playing within the confines of the shigashina district. Sadly, it was only a day dream. I gazed up at my good friend Eren, who also lived in the shiganshina district. We both witnessed the terrors and tragedies that the titans has presented us with on that very day. Eren joined the survey corps because he wants revenge. I wanted only one thing. Freedom. Freedom from my fear of those creatures.

"______, what's wrong?" Eren noticed the melancholy expression on my face. "Just living in the past." I croaked. I blinked a few times before I realized we were in the dining hall, and I was seated at one of the many sturdy light brown wooden tables. I glanced around. Everyone was gone. They must've went off to train. Eren opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by the entrance of our puny squad captain, Levi. I say "puny" because the first thing you notice when you see him is his height. Other than that, he has gorgeous grey eyes and a sexy body. I'm not saying that because I share feelings for our captain, but I'm a woman who has good taste.

"______ and Eren. You're late for practice." Levi barked.

"We were just--" Eren started

"I don't give a shit what you two were doing. Everyone has been doing indoor practice due to bad weather conditions. You two can go do it outside next to the wall. Now."

Eren and I scrambled past our superior. we weren't afraid of him, but he sure was intimidating. He's obviously a dominant man who must be in control. I wondered how he would react if someone defied him.

"I'm sorry I got us in trouble with Levi." I said apologetically.
"Don't worry about it. I get stuck in the fantasy world all the time. Sometimes, we just need a friend to wake us back up to reality." Eren gave me a soft smile. He always knew the right things to say.

We reached the exit and opened the door. It was hailing. I groaned and forced myself out the door. Painful icey rocks hammered down on my sensitive skin. They came down so fast, they almost gave a fiery sensation. Eren took off his jacket and held it above my head. I gave a thankful grin, and we walked towards the wall.

The walk wasn't easy though. Apparently it had rained earlier, and the rain on the ground froze into ice. We slid here and there, but we never fell.

When we reached the endless concrete wall, Eren and I started to work on our hand to hand combat. This skill is practically useless when it comes to titan killing, but Eren and I were two of the best fighters out there. We agreed that we should have a little fun since we were being forced out into this hell storm.

Right. Left. Block.

Left. Right. Block.

Roundhouse kick. It didn't hit. Eren's too skilled to not dodge a move like that. But wait. He didn't dodge it at all. He caught my foot. It would've been all fun and games, but the ice on the ground made my entire body twist around as I started to fall. Eren lunged after me out of reflex, but he too slipped on the icey ground. It was freezing cold until I felt a force of heat collapse against me. It was Eren. Our bodies were pressed up against each other. I hardly noticed due to the impact of the fall until Eren positioned himself so that he was straddling my hips, and his hands were placed at the sides of my head.

"_______..... I-I..." he stuttered with rose colored cheeks. Eren leaned in a tad bit closer so that his lips were almost touching mine. I was enlightened. Not only because more blood rushed into his cheeks, but also because blood rushed somewhere else as well. What was warm feeling between my legs, and why did it feel slightly familiar? All I knew was that I felt a growing tension between our two bodies, and it was a matter of time before something was going to happen. I didn't know what to do. I had never found myself in these kinds of situations before, but whatever it was, my body wanted more.

My mind was screaming "Touch me, please! I'm begging you!" And I believe Eren wanted the same due to our synchronized panting, and the tightness in his pants. Eren began caressing down my body, and the touch of his hand made me shiver with delight. "More," I thought. His greedy hand reached up to unbotton my white shirt. Eren carefully undid first button and then the next. His hand was at a steady pace until the ground started to shake.

The vibrations felt good on my sensitive area, but I knew that danger was coming: a titan. Eren jumped up and pulled me up off the ground. He ran to the shed filled with our maneuvering equipment and threw one of the mechanisms in my direction. I caught it, and we hurriedly buckled ourselves into the gear. We directed our gaze to the top of the wall, and there it was. The titan that ruined everything. The colossal titan lived up to its name, standing tall with a terrifying stare. I slid towards the training room and banged on the window. No one looked at me. I banged once again and screamed, "We need help out here! The colossal titan has appeared right outside the wall!" No answer. I turned around to share this bizzare occurrence with Eren, but I didn't see him. I heard a zipping sound coming from the sky. Eren was coming for the titan.
"Eren don't! That's suicide!" I cried. It was too late. Eren could not hear me, and he was already at the top of the wall.

I activated my gear and flew after Eren. His drive for revenge is what scared me the most because I knew that someday there would be a chance were it would put him face-to-face with fatal danger. I was the only one who could save him, and maybe we could successfully kill the colossal titan from pure luck.

Just as I was about to reach Eren, he shot himself at the titan, furiously slicing at his body. I stopped at the top of the wall.
"Eren don't!" I couldn't help myself. I shot my hooks into the titan, and I went right towards the back of his neck. I pulled out my swords ready for a hit, but the colossal titan vanished, and Eren and I were falling to our death.
"______!!!" Eren grabbed onto me midair. I tried sending my hooks onto the wall, but the became tangled from the fall. Eren was our only hope. He pressed the button to release the hooks, but the machine was jammed. Eren continuously slammed his fist on the contraction as we were gaining velocity towards the ground outside of the wall. With one final push, the machine shot out its hooks into a nearby tree. The impact of the inertia took a toll on Eren and the machine. The hooks snapped off right before we met the tree.

I quickly scanned the area scared out of my mind. I knew that we would be stuck outside of the walls with the titans until the survey corps found us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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