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I woke with a jolt. I leaned over and turned on my light. The nightmares cease to end these days, I've been chased down dark streets, pecked to death by crows and even drowned by a man with no face. Picking up my book from my bedroom floor my eyes caught the mirror.

'Strange.' I thought. I rubbed my eyes, 'am I dreaming?' I wondered. As I stared into the mirror I saw only darkness. Instead of a reflection there was an endless mass of black. I frowned. My hand felt around the floor for my pocket mirror, I grabbed it and opened it up. Again, darkness. Beginning to get flustered I reached for my phone.

'No reflection' I typed into google. It appeared nobody had recorded a similar incident. I stumbled out of bed towards the mirror. My hand reached forward to where my reflection should be. I hesitated before letting my fingers stretch towards the gaping darkness in the mirror. A gasp escaped my lips and I stepped back alarmed. My hand went through. Straight though.

Like lightening I pulled my hand away and stumbled backwards in utter shock. My hand went to my mouth and a cry struggled to escape my lips. I froze. Peering into the darkness I picked up a piece of paper. I rolled it into a tight ball and threw it with a reasonable amount of force at the mirror. The paper seemed to be engulfed by the dark. At once I heard a rustle and saw a scarred hand raw with open wounds reach out towards me, Holding my paper. Cautiously I took it, the hand disappeared and I unravelled the paper only to find the letters- red, thick and clear, "danger."

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