Chapter one - flowers in spring

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He was so scared. He was so scared to love. He was so scared to live. He had never felt anything but pain and sadness. However, he found love in flowers. Roses, tulips, lavander, daisies. Every flower made his eyes sparkle, ever since he was young, and to this day. Saeran wanted to open a flower shop some day, but soon had given up on his dream after his world was entirely crushed at such a young age. His heart was constantly heavy.
The boy had a small job at a store, which earned him just about enough to live off, but he never ate proper meals anyway, and he never found that he needed decor for the small apartment he lived in. It was quite plain. It was quiet.

Saeran woke up to the sound of rain against the window pane. He glanced over at his clock, fearing he was late for work after having yet another inadequate amount of sleep. The male always had trouble sleeping, ever since he was young. This was evident from the black bags that sat underneath his dull eyes. He looked over at his bedside table and noticed that his roses were drooping, and wilting. They'd surely need replacing soon. Saeran pushed this thought aside while he got dressed into his plain uniform and grabbed his phone before heading out to work, which was conviniently a 10 minute walk away, also a 3 and a half minute sprint, Saeran had found out in the past. He felt the rain against his pale skin and shivered, wishing he'd brought a coat or jacket. It was the middle of spring, and meant to be warm! However the weather thought opposite. Daffodils were scattered in people's gardens, on the green parks and grassy areas this time of year. It gave Saeran a spark of hope in the world, that not all was as bad as it seemed. But that soon slowly died as he approached the automatic doors of this hell called work. Everyday seemed to be the same to the boy; everyday was sorrowful and meaningless. Everyday was people staring and suppressing annoyance as people comment about his dark eyebags or distracted movements. He sat behind the till and sighed. Soon enough early customers would start pouring in and buying breakfast or lunch for later or just the daily paper. He had been working there for a few months, and many customers were recognizable, everyone seemed the same, complaining about the weather and marveling at the newest gadgets in store. One thing that saddened Saeran even more was that nobody ever brought any flowers from that store, as there was not much of a variety, and they were slightly bad quality, but that didn't matter to Saeran. All flowers were equal in his eyes.

You put your wet hood down as you enter the supermarket. You glanced around the huge place, and sighed. Your mother had asked you to fetch some roses from the nearest store. You begin to wander around, looking at every isle but you couldn't seem to find any. 'I am not walking even further for some flowers' you thought and noticed a worker with white-hair, with pink tips and pale green eyes. Your heart tugged in your chest but you ignored it and brushed it off as excitement that you could ask if they had any flowers. You approached the man with a small smile pressed against your lips.

"Sorry to bother you..." you begun, the man looked up slowly and blinked a few times.

"Do you sell flowers here by any chance? And if so could you please point me in the right direction, it seems I can't find them anywhere"
You finished with a slight chuckle, being the friendly person you are. An unnoticeable blush dusted your cheeks as you waited his response. He seemed to be in awe, staring into your (E/C) eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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