Hello and Welcome!

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Hola, my humans. As I'm assuming some of you have seen me blow up your inboxes with memes, you're probably wondering who the actual heck this Carolina is.

You probably think I'm some weirdo who has nothing else better to do with her life.

Welp. The first part is true. I'm a weirdo, no buts about it. And frankly, I don't care. Call me what you want. I'm here to have fun, meet new people, and have a blast doing it. So let's do this!

Some things about me:

-My name is Carolina Taylor

-I really like cats (and dogs)

-Mosquitoes are my archnemesis

-I have two cats, Queenie and Midnight

-I also have a dog who is as old as dirt

-In real life, I suck at talking to people

-I love chocolate dearly

-I've never had caffeine before in my life (not joking)

-I'm making blueberry muffins right now and HOLY CHEESEBALLS THEY SMELL GOOD

-A lot of my stories in This is ABSURD are based on real-life events.

-I ran into a pole once in the middle of school.

-I attempted to scare a pizza man but got yelled at by my aunt.

-I'm a weirdo and proud. 

So yeah. That's me, my dudes. Let's get this party started!! 


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