The beginning

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The night is like an icy cold blanket, laid over Arizona, but of course it is winter. I'm walking home from the library after I took a bus to get home. I walk three blocks from the bus stop when I notice that it is really quiet, too quiet. I couldn't hear any people or animals around, it is like a graveyard. The dead silent really make me feel uncomfortable, so I start to walk faster. Then, I ran when I felt something or someone is following me. Once, I got about two blocks; I turned around and saw that nobody is behind me. Therefore, I kept walk till I reached my neighborhood, I heard a unfamiliar noise, something that is not of this earth. I wanted to turn around, but my instincts told me to look up at the sky. So I look up and saw a ball of light coming at me. My mind tells me to run, but my legs wouldn't listen to my brain. It got closer and closer and my life flashing before my eyes. All I saw was the one I never let in my life. I felt intense heat in my face, but my skin did not get burn away. It was so hot and bright, I could not see. Something strange happens the light start to absorb itself into my body. 'I have never felt more alive, more powerful in my life. After, the light disappears in my body, everything went dark.

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