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It all started as a big joke among me and my father. He was always joking about shooting me with a gun and I would play dead, I never thought that would turn into a reality. It was October 5th 1992, I was only 11 years old but I knew more than I should for a kid of my age. I was doing long division while normal kids were just starting to count to 100, I was reading novels before the kids in my neighborhood were singing their ABC's. For me...well...this was normal, I never went to a "public school" I was homeschooled all my life for reasons I was never told about. The day went normally at first, I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, did some school-work, played cops and robbers with my dad (I was always the cop), then watched him leave for the day, and that's when things changed. During the day my Mom was rushing around the house grabbing things and packing while I just shrugged it off like it was nothing, everytime I would ask her a question the only answer I would get was "Go away, i'm busy!". Around 8:00 at night is when I heard a loud bang followed with a scream from my mother, I ran to her seeing her clutching her leg on the ground looking distressed and in pain. Soon there was another bang from behind me and pain in my lower chest. All I saw before blacked out father....with a gun pointed at me and my mother. Another bang was the last thing I heard before blacking out. I woke up the next day in a weird room that was padded white and some people talking outside my room. Mostly stuff about how their days are going before I noticed a note on the ground and picked it up looking through it before starting to read it. "Dear Subject #10472, welcome to our faculty! You have been chosen due to your affiliation with the H.I.B, your father has gladly agreed to spare your life upon our request and be brought here. In this facility you will learn how to be a ample resource in our future plans as a company!" Signed- B.F. I watch the paper fall to the ground as I curl up in the corner of the room, the whole place silent as I cry to myself confused and hurt, mentally and physically. The images of my mother on the ground and my father with a gun flashing through my mind as I soon cry myself to sleep, not wanting to move nor wake up. But then again, tommorow is another day.

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