Game Night (StanxKyle Fanfiction)

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I do not own South Park or any of the characters that take place in this story. All credit goes to South Park's rightful owners, Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

It was another Friday night that they spent at Kyle's house.

Being the unsocial losers they are, Stan and Kyle sat on the couch, controllers in hand. The thin wire that connected the boys' controllers to the system looped on the rather small coffee table which also held a load of energy drinks, chips, and other snacks that were not good for the average human. This was something that the fifteen year old boys did almost every weekend since they did not take any interest in going to parties and such.

Stan and Kyle didn't entirely change over the years; Stan had adopted a somewhat dark look- he took a liking to black clothing but still wore bright colors occasionally. He still had the same personality and attitude that he developed in the fourth grade.

Kyle had mostly stayed the same appearance-wise, though his hair has been tamed slightly. He was just a bit more accepting of Cartman's insults, though he did bite back often.

As time went on, Stan and Kyle did not drift apart; instead, they've become closer. They depended on each other more then ever. Nights like this were normal for the redhead and black-haired boy.

Though this night felt different;

With their eyes focused on the T.V screen, Kyle sat cross-legged on the couch as Stan sat less then a foot away with his feet hanging. Stan's elbows were balanced steadily on his thighs, and he was leaning forwards in a determined way- where as Kyle was leaned back without a care in the world.

Kyle was completely kicking Stan's ass, and both boys were aware of it. Usually it was the other way around but for some reason, Stan's mind was on an entirely different thing.

"Dude," Stan turned to face Kyle as he spoke. "Are you letting me win?"

"No it's just-" Stan stopped. Kyle paused the game and stared at him, waiting for an answer.


Stan shrugged. "I don't know. I was distracted." Kyle looked for a moment longer, and decided to just let it be. He got up, stretching.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Stan nodded as Kyle disappeared down the hallway.

As soon as Kyle was gone, Stan let out a long sigh. He took his old blue and red beanie off and ran a hand through his hair. He closed his cerulean blue eyes and held his face in his hands.

Thoughts about the redheaded Jew ran through his mind. Lately, he's been questioning his sexuality. He's been wanting Kyle in a way that a normal straight boy wouldn't. He doubted that Kyle would return the feelings that Stan had for him.

This could very well just be a phase, some might say; but Stan thought otherwise. He didn't know when he started loving Kyle in a gay sort of way, but he hasn't been able to get him out of his head ever since.

It was the way that Kyle spoke; his sweet voice. He was amazing and super smart. He's kind while still being bitchy. Although Kyle might depise his hair, Stan loves it. The way it sticks up is adorable in his perspective, and the redness of it brings out the green in his eyes.

But Stan knew better then to confess his feelings to the redhead. It would probably ruin their whole relationship. Kyle wouldn't feel the same way, he'd tell people and he would be the laughing stock of the whole school. Worst of all- he wouldn't be able to hang out with his precious Kyle ever again. Kyle would be way too grossed out to ev-

He heard footsteps down the hall and instantly looked up. He grabbed his beanie and shoved it back onto his head.

He tried his best to look normal as Kyle plopped back down onto the couch.

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