So This Is Basically Undertale.

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Sup bois
Lemme clarify some shit

Dis shit is a joke, and I probably love the shit I'm making fun of

If your triggered, your a fucking pussy, but here's a disclaimer


Joke (Juh-oh-ke) *
definition : something that SHOULDN'T be taken seriously, you dumb cunt!


Your the kid with a stick to shove a fireball up flowers dick, an-
Hold on... I'm not ScottFalco, I don't need rhymes. I just need shitty jokes!

Your name is Frisk, or not, maybe it's ass or buttplug, (at least that's what you think), and one day your dumbass decided to climb up a mountain- or maybe that was Chara, who fucking cares because this community is all about its dumbass continuity shit. You fall into the mountain and somehow don't die, even after you have most likely shattered all your limbs and broken the land under you, but yet, you've landed on a pile of seemingly untouched flowers... how they have not been evaporated is more of a mystery to me then why I haven't hung myself yet.

You walk around a bit and eventually meet Flowey the Flower, who you learn in a couple seconds is actually a huge Mc. FuckFace and wants to rape your ass more then this community wants to simply because you didn't know what Overtale : Origins Edition, Ocorina of Time DLC is.

You seem fucked, but then out of nowhere a furry comes out form the shadows to kick McFuckboys ass and suddenly that makes this character 100% trustable, as you seemingly follow them into a pit of spikes seconds after you meet. Luckily, aside form the communities unsatisfied need to beat their bony meat to over-sexualized versions of goat furries and flowers, TuFuckingToriel seems to be pretty harmless, although the name Toriel couldn't have been less subtle.

Eventually you want to get out but Molester Mom wants to keep you here. She says some shit but eventually you start fighting her.

Now if your a good boy and know everything about this game ahead of time, then you'll probably spare her, but knowing your a dumb fuck, you end up slashing her goat ass looking furry fuck into a million pieces of no one gives a shit, and leave the Ruined Ruins of Ruined Runes.

I could keep going, but honestly the rest of this game aside form the fucking character dialogues and interesting story is the same thing.

While Underfuck is one of my favourite anime's; or games if you want to dig into the meat of things, I do have to say that explaining all the good parts of this game would take along time, so let's get this shit over with and talk about the end of the neutral run until we can get to the bad boy and good boy routes of this game... because talking about the good things would ruin the negligible vibes we got going, ya know?

You keep meeting shit and killing shit until you encounter Angry ExHusbando x Machina #369 and decide your best bet is to beat his goat looking ass into non existence until you can hear him scream in and out of his asshole.

He dies and FuckMcFlowerBoi comes home to daddy (spoilers I guess idfk cunt) and decides he's gonna take the Gay Pride flag- I mean seven human souls and shove it up his own ass so that he can become a big scary boggie man and whoop your ass, expect he sucks ass and is like the easiest fight in the fucking game. What a let down... almost on par for when my parents didn't show up to my birth.

After you whoop his ass you can either kill em' or spare em' and no matter what you do you get the same ending over and over, unless you pick a route

Good boy or bad boy.

It's pretty clear cut so let's establish the differences

In bad boy mode you kill everything.
Like for fucks sake your tasked with killing a fucking snowman what more do you want.

a god damn fruit fly, Jeesus Christ
you want me to send you out to kill a fucking frog or someth-

Wait a fucking second-

In good boy mode, you kill nothing and spare everything, even McGoatHusbando x Machina gets his ass whooped by someone else before you fight FloweyMcFuck's true identity- Assrl Dreemor, aka ShittyChildhood cliche #555 x Machina- either that or WinnyMcFuckBaby the Third... regardless, you eventually kick his ass with the power of not friendship, because it turns out your not even his friend; Chara, or whatever the fuck you named your character, in this case, buttplug, is the actual friend, as you named the fallen one number one, not number 2, because tony fox didn't clarify that shit...

fuckin bastard.

So uh


insert the most beaten dead horse of a joke about this games fandom here

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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