Summer Nights

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"I dont want this summer to end" K.J. said with his arms wrapped around me as we sat by the edge of the ocean on this cool Vancouver night. "Neither do i" I replied kissing his lips while the wind blew with the waves of the ocean. "It doesn't have to", K.J. replied moving strands of blonde hair away from my face. "But how?" I asked inqusitively "You and my father have already wrapped the second season of Riverdale and your going home for the summer." I said in a depressing tone. The fact of the matter was that I had enjoyed myself more in the last six months with K then I had with anyone else in the past, and I was undoubtedly falling in love with him and the idea of him leaving for New Zealand in the next couple of days hurt me in a way I couldn't explain to anyone else but him because the feelings were obviously mutual between us.

"I know it's not going to be an easy few months especially since well be a half a world apart but I think we can make it work" he said looking me in the face with his brown eyes glistening as they looked deeply into mine. "Look, long distance relationships rarely work out.... but we aren't just anybody. Haylie, I feel closer to you more than anybody else I have ever met in my life" he said pulling me closer to him wrapping his blanket tighter around us as we both shivered as the night grew colder.
"Well....." I said before stopping myself. He laughed and sighed "well what? You can't just start a sentence and stop like that. Talk to me tell me what's going through that beautiful mind of yours." He said kissing me on the forehead.
Raising up from my comfortable position in between K's legs I turned around to face him. "I'm sorry, I guess I just hate the fact of having to say goodbye to you when I...  I. Oh never mind." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"No, come on.... let's hear it" K.J. said intrigued to what I was trying to say. When I just got up the nerve and blurted it out. "I LOVE YOU!!" Before I even realized what I had said he laid me back on the sand of the beach and kissed me in a way he had never had before. "I love you to Haylie Breanna Perry". He replied kissing me and my body up and down for a good remainder of the night while we made love underneath the stars.

The next morning I awoke to find K sitting as close to the water as possible with his feet buried in the sand. My vision still blurry from just waking up I quietly came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed the top of his head. When he whisked me on to his lap. "Good morning beautiful", he said kissing me and grabbing my hand and kissing it too. He was visibly upset by the look in his eye. As if he had been crying alittle but not enough to be completely noticeable unless you were as close as I was. "What's the matter?" I asked running my fingers into his thick red dyed hair. "We have two more days together, then I'm gone. The countdown is almost over". He said trying to fake a smile as he caressed my cheek. "I know" I said trying to act strong for the both of us when inside I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.
"We'll make it work". I said repeating the same words he had said to me only a few short hours ago. "At least we have Skype, or facetime we can set up online dates with one another, And call each other anytime and of course text one another throughout the whole day." I said trying to be chipper and brave for the both of us. He flashed a half smile in my direction and shook his head. ".....Yeah, it's just three months right?...." he said with nothing but sorrow in his voice. I guess expressing the feelings we both had for one another only a few short days before his departure was only making this all the more harder on the both of us.

*Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now i'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams And it's blue And it's blue*

My phone sang going off under the blanket smothered in sand. As Hasleys Colors song rang obnoxiously loud until the person on the other end of the line hung up.
"Oh No!" I gasped when I looked down at the twenty missed calls along with all of the unanswered text messages made by my father. It was ten o'clock and I didn't come home last night. Nor did I call him I knew I was in for a world of hurt when I got home. So K and I gathered up our things and headed back home. Now the excuse I had to come up with had to be convincing enough to save me.... only problem is.. I was a terrible liar.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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