Chapter 1

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I'm strapped to a chair. Van Eck in front of me. He hasn't changed much, his dirty blonde hair still falling in tendrils around his face. It was weird seeing Van Eck after spending so much time with Wylan, their eyes are  He's grinning. "You won't talk. We'll see. Ah my dearest Kaz, I almost forgot. I have a gift for you."  "A gift Van Eck? Aw you shouldn't have. The thirty million Kruge you promised would have sufficed." I replied snarkily. He bristled at that, ever so slightly. Had I not been looking for a reaction I probably would have missed it. "Bring it in" was all he said.

I sat perfectly calmly. That was until I could see what he had done. A muscle in my cheek twitched and I flexed and unflexed my hands. My heart started to beat faster and I felt me pulse jump. Shit, i'm afraid. Calm down Brecker. This is not going to help anybody. Breathe. I closed my eyes to focus and by the time I reopened them I was a solid face. Unreadable.

"So kaz. How dop you like my gift. I must say it is very beautiful." With a blank face I twisted my head to face him. "You seem to have lost most of her clothes on the walk up here Van Eck. Or had you not noticed?" I finally allowed myself to face her. A flash of pain streaked across my face. Not enough for most people to see but she did. She always did. My spider. My wraith. My Inej. No stop Kaz. That thinking is what got her here in the first place. You allowed yourself to love. Oh saints, they've put her in her old silks. They've made her be the little Lynx. Oh Inej I'm so sorry. I tried to tell her with my eyes. But when she finally looked me in the eye I saw tears.

I'm going to kill them. Rip them to shreds. I'm going to rip out their hearts and force them to eat them. I was so angry. I vowed for Inej to never have to go through that again. But she has. No. She is. And it's all my fault. "Isn't she pretty Kaz. I think I might keep her. I'm sure we could have a lot of fun." He turned to Inej " don't u think whore. I mean you've clearly had some practice now haven't you. In fact I think I have a friend who is more than willing to get to know your particular. Skills. A lot better." He sneered. I let out an involuntary low growl. Unfortunately it was loud enough for Van Eck to her. "Oh so you do feel Brecker. Who knew. And for such a fragile thing at that." I laughed at that.

"If you truly believe that my wraith is fragile your stupider than you look." I scoffed. But I knew the situation. I knew my wraith was not here with me at the moment. She was in the menagerie with Tante Van Haleen. It was the same as with Jordie. I could see her resolve crumbling. They can't see her cry. Stay strong wraith. Stay with me. Inej. I need you. I suddenly remembered something. A phrase from a language long dead. We had been trying to find a key hidden In a book in Van Stalinzsky's library when we found the book. I mentally begged Inej to look back up at me again. I need her to see me. As if on cue Inej looked into my eyes. "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" I whispered. Said it quietly enough for only her to have heard it. Come on Inej. Remember. Then I saw her eyes harden in anger. And I allowed myself a smug smile. She's back.

She quickly shot her eyes to my ropes then turned her face to give an ice cold glare at Van Eck. I knew then what she wanted me to do. "So Van Eck. You've got us both here. What are you going to do with us. Admire us. I know we are both really rather good looking but isn't this a little much. If you wanted to have the pleasure of our company you could have just asked." I told him smoothly. "Ha! Like I'd ever enjoy your company Brecker. You and your band of hooligans and set on ruining my livelihood. But now I've got you perfectly packaged for my entertainment when we break you Kaz. Oh and we will break you. Believe me when I say that. Because Kaz we have the only thing that can break your ice cold resolve." Van Eck then turned away from Kaz to show that he meant Inej, but little did he know that Inej had managed to escape her ropes and disappear without anyone noticing. I knew exactly where she was though. I always knew where she was. That way she can never truly leave me. I needed her too much to let her go. 

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