The News

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Many people have come back to District 12. It is almost the same.

Rye screams. I rush to his room to comfort him. Peeta comes with, but I urge him to go back to sleep. If I could handle the Games and save Peeta in the meantime, then I think I can handle nursing a child back to sleep. "Shh. Rye, did you have a nightmare?" I ask soothingly. He nods in reply. "It was scary." He mumbles. "I get them too. I'll explain to you what they are from when you get older." I say as I head to the door. "Mom?" Rye asks. I turn my head in return. "Will you stay with me?" He asks as he is nearly in tears. I smile, remembering Peeta and I's conversations over the years. "Always." I reply, still smiling.

I wake up to the sound of knocking on the front door. For a second, I panic, thinking it is the Peacekeepers who have come to kill my family and I. Peeta rushes to Rye's room, and I can tell by his face that we both are thinking the same things. I assure myself that it isnt the Peacekeepers because the rebels are in charge of the Capitol now, and they wouldn't be sending anyone to hurt us. Reluctantly, we both go to the door, leaving the kids in their beds.

We open the door and Haymitch, our Hunger Games mentor, is standing at our door. I think I sigh out loud. "Haymitch, oh thank God it's you. I thought it was a Peacekeeper, which was idiotic to think." I say as I glance at Peeta. "What are you doing here?" Asks Peeta. I mentally thank him, since I had no idea what to say. "I came to tell you news, it isn't good news either."

I don't think I want to here this news but I don't have a choice. Haymitch begins. "Beetee has been killed. A random rebel has been elected as president and she has ordered another Hunger Games." Haymitch pauses. He starts to cry. I have never seen him cry. Not ever. Peeta realizes what this means before I do. Haymitch starts again, but in sobs. "Even if we have been reaped and survived, we have a chance of being reaped again!" I walk away, mainly to go cry in a corner.

A few days pass and I don't remember anything.

The day of the reaping comes and I don't remember waking, or walking, or getting ready. I only remember waiting for my name to be called. But it never does. The name that gets called is no one I know. Then they move on to the boys. The slip of paper gets pulled. He smiles as he unfolds the slip. "Peeta Mellark!"

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