chapter 1

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jin's pov-
me and the other members left bighit after practicing our dance. sweat was glued to our foreheads as we walked outside to the parking lot, looking for our van.
yoongi hoped in the drivers seat and buckled up.
he put the key in the ignition and listened to see if the engine would roar. i sat back as he backed up the van and out of the parking lot to drive to our van.
i scrolled through social media a bit, taking a selca to update our A.R.M.Y. as i was about to post it, a notification popped up on my screen, a message from kim taehyung. i looked back and saw he had his phone in his hand watching as he waited for a reply.
i turned back to my bright screen and started to type.

taehyung: heyy jinnie

me: hey tae

taehyung: i have a question to ask

me: what is it

taehyung: can you meet me in my room once we get home

me: 👀👀

me: why

taehyung: just do it

me: fine


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