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A new story...
What else is new

Ever since he was little, Zbrigniev always wondered what life on another planet was like. He's heard stories of the different life forms that roam certain planets and how different they were to his own species. He remembered one day, on his third birthday, he was out playing in his father's room when he heard the news of another planet being discovered.

"They call it Earth, sire."


For years they studied this so-called planet Earth and from research, they conducted a life much more precious and wonderful than he imagined. He's heard stories about the mysterious object that his planet was thousands of miles away from. He would stay up all night to watch the vibrant colored planet rotate, seeing the different hues of blue and green with white puffy cotton float around the exterior of the planet through his telescope.

It fascinated him, truly.

For a while now, as he grew, at the age of seven, the young boy has been too interested in the planet, much to his parents disliking, but he couldn't help himself. He talked to his guard about how much he would want to see the planet with his own eyes, everything he's heard about the planet sounds absolutely beautiful, from the colors of the sky when the sun sets to the different colored flowers that grow in the fields in the springtime; it's completely different from his own home that was nothing but ice. It's something Zbrigniev's always dreamt about.

But it's against the rules.

Ever since the first launch of the prototype spacecraft that they decided to test run decades ago turned into a complete disaster, the king and queen didn't want to lose any more citizens of their home, thus banning the use of spacecraft. They destroyed anything similar close to a spacecraft, taking safe measures to keep their citizens safe.

"Momma? Have you ever wondered what Earth was like? Aren't you curious about the creatures that roam its land and water?" Zbrigniev asks his mother, whose facial expression turned into one of disgust. "Don't you dare think of such absurd things! You know the rules and if your father ever hears you speak of such things, who knows what he will do to you."

Zbrigniev has heard those exact words all his life, but this just peaked his interest more. He nodded, accepting the words of his mother and kept his mouth shut. Years have passed and his fascination still grew, along with the adoration of flowers. He's never seen one, only the ones he's seen in books since his planet is basically an ice land. but he can just imagine how soft the petals must be and how colorful they are up close. In his room were thousands of drawings, all about the different species he's read about. He wondered what living on such an amazing planet was like. He just wanted to get off this godforsaken planet and live somewhere where beauty blossoms every corner.

"Zbrigniev!" he heard his name be called from down the corridor, panicked, he immediately stuffed the books he found in his father's study under his bed towards the back. "Zbrigniev!"

The young prince jumped from his bed, fixing his tousled hair and opening the door to see his younger brother with a smirk on his face. "You're in trouble." the younger sibling elongated the word, a hint of joy and happiness laced within it.

Zbrigniev glared at his younger sibling before walking down the hall to the room he's grown familiar with, taking his time not wanting to face his father once again. He's always feard his old man, the way his voice holds power and his stance hold dominance; some traits Zbrigniev does not possess. Zbrigniev fumbled with his shirt when he was outside his father's library before he raised his hand, knocking on the steel door watching it automatically retract into the wall.

Zbrigniev saw his father at his desk, the man talking to an unknown figure through the holographic screen. The king paused when Zbrigniev's presence was felt, bidding a goodbye and closing the little projector.

"Ah, Zbrigniev. Sit. We have some matters we need to discuss."

Zbrigniev gulped, not liking the way that sounds. He walked over before getting himself comfortable in the round chair adjacent to the cherry wood desk. He watched as his father gathered some papers before handing it over to Zbrigniev, the thick stack weighing Zbrigniev's hands down when he went to grab it. "What is this?"

"I'm sure you know that your coronation is coming up within the next few weeks," Zbrigniev grimaced at the thought of becoming the next ruler. "And what you have there in your hands is the speech you will be presenting when you are given the crown."

A sigh was heard and Zbrigniev looked up to see his father hunch over, his blue tinted skin turning a darker color due to the excruciating pain his internal organs were producing. "I don't know how much longer I have to live in all honesty, my boy. I know you're only seventeen and much of my opinion, nows the best time to throne the new king. I know you're young, our previous kings being twenty-one when they were crowned ruler, but at this rate, I'm sure I'll be dead before your eighteenth birthday. I'm positive you'll be a great king, despite what I say about you being too nice and carefree."

Zbrigniev's eyes watered at his father leaving, even though they don't have the best father-son relationship, he still loves his father no matter what. Just hearing those words bears hardship, he always wanted to hear those words come from him. The king smiled at his son, Zbrigniev's pointy ears twitching from happiness, the small crystals embedded into his skin around his eyes glowed a faint blue, the one on his forehead glowing a bright white, a perfect contrast against his pale, purple skin. Zbrigniev made it his mission to do his father proud, be the best king his home planet has ever seen. "I'll make you proud, father."

Zbrigniev bowed, walking off with the stack in his hands, he waited for the door to open and closing far too soon, making his robe get stuck between the door and the metal frame. Zbrigniev bent down, placing the papers next to him on the floor and tugged. "Ah, shit," Zbrigniev mumbled, continuing to pull, accidentally hearing something that caught his attention.

"Yes, my lord. The prototype is almost ready. We're sure this time our previous accident will not happen again. I assure you." a deep unknown voice was heard through the other side of the chunk of iron, Zbrigniev's ears tuning in on to the conversation.

Prototype? A prototype of what?

"Terrific. Everything's going as planned. Soon we'll be able to continue to do research on nearby planets. Splendid!" Zbrigniev's father chuckled.

"Of course. The spaceship will be ready in no time."

Zbrigniev gasped, the thought of his people planning to go back into space brought a wave of excitement through his bones.

Zbrigniev was brought out of his thoughts when his younger brother scared him. "So what did you get in trouble for this time? What is father making you do as your punishment? Are you gonna have to go work in the orphanage again?" he snickered.

Zbrigniev rolled his eyes, tucking his speech under his arm before pushing past his brother, purposely into the other's shoulder, "There's nothing wrong with working in the orphanage. Those children are great company, you wouldn't understand since you're too busy sucking up to father and mother's ass doing whatever you can to get the crown. But news flash, that's not gonna happen."

Zbrigniev smirked, seeing the younger's skin turn into a deep navy blue, almost black, his crystals turning red. "As a matter of fact, this," he gestured to the pile of papers under his arm, "is my speech I'll be giving at my coronation when I am handed the crown."


"I don't want to hear it. I'm too busy thinking about all the little things I'll be able to do when I am crowned king. Too-da-loo."

I should finish my other fics first...

But naaaah

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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