bully to lover???

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A/n: thank you minkookie_M for your amazing comments and for always supporting me)

Y/n pov
I was walking to the hell which parents refer to as "school".
You might be thinking why I hate that place so much..well I have a bully who bullies me in school..he never hurts me physically,he hurts me mentally.
He calls me all these mean names that just makes anyone feel worthless.well I am worthless........and do you wanna know some thing crazy..................
I LOVE HIM......I am legit crazy..I don't know how I called in love with maybe it was his perfect lips or his perfectly styled hair maybe both.i don't know....
How pathetic....he will never love anyone like me ...what am I saying he hates me that's why he is bullying me.and want to know the sad part he only bullies me like he only bullies me ..he never picks on other kids I guess he hates me so much..
I entered the hallway I was about to reach my locker suddenly I heard a familiar voice...
"Well well what have we got here it's the worthless freak y/n!!!!!"
I didn't say anything I just opened my locker and got my stuff and started to walk away .
"Hey where are you going???wait!!!!"
He shouted
I guess I have no choice then....
But I have to go to class..I said
The nerdy freak wants to go to class . ....I will not let you you
He cooed
I hate you !!! I yelled
Shut up and kill yourself !!!!!!he said
One day I will.....I mumbled.
I guess he didn't hear me .. suddenly the bell rang.i ran to class .we both have same classes.we entered the class without the teacher noticing.
I should just kill myself
I am worthless piece of shit
The world doesn't need me
I am ugly nobody needs me
I thought
I can't stay like this anymore I wanna die..(A/n aw don't say that please)
I turned around and noticed that c/n was looking at me.
Huh why is he looking at me? I m worthless right?(A/n no you are not)
I turned my head back to the the teacher
Today will be the end of this.......

(Time skip to the end of the class bought to you by author chans shitty writing)
As hell (school)finished  I started going up the stairs once I reached the top of the building I walked to the railing(A/n I don't know what the thing is )I started climbing up I closed my eyes and Imagined all the good time I had in my life ...now I will never have to come to this hell hole again and I will never have to meet my love c/n so this is it world goodbye................suddenly I heart someone shouting my name
Is that c/n ???? I thought
Y/n don't jump please!!!!!!,
Probably my imagination how could c/n care about me he hates me ...
I I left my hand o the railing
This will be the end y/n
But someone catches me
It was c/n???
Why y/n why why did you do this ?????????
C/n asked
I just hate this world and you hate me too. I replied
No I don't hate you, I love you!!! C/n said
I was completely shocked.....
(A/N me too...)
No you are lying ..I said
No I am not lying y/n I truly love you
He said
The why did you bully me??
I asked
"I didn't know how to express my love for you y/n .I have always loved you.
I didn't know how to tell you so I thought the best way is to simply bully you so that I can forget about you but I guess that didn't work.
I know you don't like me but don't try to die please I don't wanna lose you.
I know what I did is wrong and you will never forgive me but I just wanna say I love you ." He replied
I was shocked more than before
I forgive you....(A/n-that fast???)
And i love you tooo.. I said
You love me???he asked
Yes I love you
I love you to



word count (till now):722

Well that was shitty.........
Hello guys how did you like my story I know it's kinda impossible to forgive someone like that but hey this is wattpad..logic has no place here..and I am starting my first guitar lesson yay!!(don't know why I wrote that) I hope you liked this story and I have made it long and not shorter like my previous story ..and I need some ideas ...please anyone give me any idea please ...............
My head has nothing in it excluding the brain an the weird juices inside it.so ideas please
And once again I love you guys so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Author chan
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