Not So Difficult.

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Here is my first entry for the writing context by hannahsue--.I hope you like it.

How to explain colors to a blind person.

Color or colour is the appearance that things have that results from the way in which they reflect light.

Color is the characteristic of human visual perception through color categories with names such as blue, black, purple, yellow, green, red and white.

How do you explain colors to a blind person? It seems difficult because a blind person has no idea what colors look like. You can't say yellow is the color of the sun or green is the color of leaves because they can't see things like that.

Colors can be explained to a blind person because he can feel them. Colors can be described to them on how they feel emotionally. Colors are commonly associated with feelings or psychological states. We mostly think they are completely visual but they are not, they can be felt.

Red can be described to a blind person as a color of anger, sexual excitement, physical strength or aggression. It can be explained as a color of a burn from heat or embarrassment. The blind person can be taken outside to feel the heat. Red can be explained to him as a color of heat.

To a blind person, yellow can be described as the color of friendliness, cheerfulness, optimism, confidence or sometimes fear.

Orange can be the color of physical comfort, having enough food, warmth, and security or sometimes frustration. It can be described when the person taste an orange. The color of an orange is orange.

Purple can emotionally be described as the color of spiritual awareness, mystery, luxury, truth and often associated with dreams.

Blue can sometimes be called purple mistakenly by someone who is even not blind but when it is explained as a color of intelligence, coolness, calmness, serenity or logic. It can be described to the blind person when he is taken to a pool, the color of the pool is blue and he can feel that.

Green as the color of a leaf may be difficult to explain. The blind person can be  asked to touch a  leaf, the texture of the leaf can be used to describe the color green. The green color is also the color of refreshment, harmony, environmental awareness, balance and peace.

Being in a garden, there is refreshment and environmental awareness. A blind person taken to a garden knowing what green represents will feel the presence of green in the garden.

We mostly think the blind people are completely blind. It has been scientifically proven that only approximately eighteen percent of the total number of blind people is totally blind.

Most of the blind people can differentiate between light and darkness. It can therefore be explained to them that when there is light, there is clarity and that is what white represents. It also me purity, simplicity and cleanliness.

They know when there is darkness. Black can now simply be explained to them as the color of darkness. It also represents heaviness, menace or oppression.

Another color which is pink can be described to them as the color of nurture, love or feminity. Pink is a color that most girls like, so it can be explained as color of feminity.

How can brown be described to a blind person? He can be taken outside to touch clay soil. The texture of the  soil can give him the idea of the color referred to as brown. Brown is also the color of being supportive or reliability.

Colors are great, it can be described in any way. This is the way it can be described by emotions.

Blind people can also identity colors by different heat the colors emit at certain temperature. Also color gives off ultra violet signals which is known as wavelength that some are said to be able to differentiate between.

A lot of people think that blind people see only one color which is black but colors can be seen from a different perspective and that is by recognizing the colors in different ways.

I believe they don't always see black. Colors can be explained to them in various ways. It can be by explaining through emotions or what they feel, by texture, the amount of energy emitted by colors or by apps that aids the identification of colors.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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