Friends and Paradise 3: Royally in Love

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Well, this is it! The final book for the story between Nash and Jason! Even if it doesn't include all the details as it was meant to, I still wish that whatever is included in this outlined story is enough to fulfill what you hoped for this story. There is a plot twister, though one that most of you are expecting, but one that will leave you wanting more. But sadly, this is the very last entry for these characters and story.

It was a beautiful story, one that relates a lot to my own life, but it does have some little exagerations. Actually, now would be a good time to tell you guys about this story:

I wrote this story after watching "Holiday In The Sun" from Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and loving the idea to get pulled out of the most boring class in your whole schedule to have the oportunity to be able to experience the wonders of Atlantis, like they say it on the website, with your best friends. Then, I had the crazy idea of going one day to the Bahamas with my two best friends for a summer or spring break or anytime really, and meeting a boy and falling in love. The boy who Jason is based on, used to be Justin Bieber. Yeah, believe it or not. I used to be a die-hard belieber, but suddenly lost interest. I didn't dream of meeting him at The Bahamas, but I did dream of going through some of the things in this series, especially the end of the first book all the way through the end of this one.

I enjoyed very much writing this, because it also kept me away from eating late-night snacks that would make a huge mistake in my attempt to lose weight, which thankfully I did and now I'm at a much healthier weight.

Anyways, in here, I added the dad-drama because it's something personal. I wish I could say more on the subject, but the interactions with Nash's dad and the rest of the family speak more than I could have. Besides, I said everything I could in the dialogue between Nash and Jason on the pool that first night. Remember that?

The character of Cameron isn't exactly based on anyone I know. Although, it is my kind of personification of what I don't agree with. If you met me in real life, you'll notice that I'm not the type pf girl to put out on the first date, much less one to grind as of now, much like Nash. She was lucky she found somebody who loves her for who she is and was able to have that first kiss the best way imaginable, while I'm still waiting for mine.

The chatacters of my two best friends: Amelia and Danielle. They are basically my two best friends to the T. Crazy, huh? Well, They have the resemblance because it's what I see in them every day. Also, Becca and Anthony are exactly like they are in real life. My sister and her boyfriend are...the most complicated, bipolar, rough, sex-crazed, ehh a little sweet, kind of romantic, couple I know. I mean, c'mon, they basically live together in my den downstairs.

Richard, the step-dad, is what I would like in a man for my mom. She has been single for way too long and I wish, no-- hope, that she could find herself a man that takes care of  her as much as she takes care of us. A man who can give her anything she wants, a man who can economically help her out, a man who can love her like my dad never could, and someone who can make her happy. That's all I want for her.

You know, and this you'll see later on in the story, Marcos is actually based on a character from the Sex and The City series. It was based on Trey McDougall, a guy who is Charlotte's ex-husband, and he was basically driven by a string by his mom, and not exactly men material. Yes he was rich, much like Marcos, and no he wasn't a prince- he was a doctor in the Upper-East-Side New York. My character, though, will have a true revelation at the end of the story.

Ms. Standford, or the english teacher on the first chapter of my series, is truly based on a teacher in my school. If you met her, you'd see the resemblance LOUD AND CLEAR. Yes, she is a good teacher, in her own way, and yes she is kind of funny in a bitch, please way. Oh god. She is kinda crazy. The schedule presented in chapter 11 of the previous book used to be my schedule for junior year, except I changed a couple classes: for example, art wasn't my first class, though my second. And I didn't have english with the teacher who Ms. Standford was based on, I had english with another one. Yet, I had a good year and I'm pretty sure Nash did too.

When I wrote the first book, most of the chapters were based on songs. That's what I do, I write based on the feelings I get from listening to a song. You'll be surprised, but this book has some Mamma Mia! songs included, or well it would've if I'd written it all.

I wanna thank those readers who stayed with me through the end, even if it wasn't how you would've wanted to read it. I had all the intention of writing all of it, but I just grew tired of it. I don't know. I got bored. But I'm pretty sure that I will write all of my next story: The Farm. It basically represents my love for the country and that hope of finding the perfect country boy who we all secretly want to have as a summer romance. Don't worry, Jace will be good enough for Lucille, and believe me he'll have a huge impact on her. After that, we'll see what happens. But I'll be clear there will be no sequel for The Farm because it doesn't need one. You'll later on see why. Oh and just for you guys to know, I will add the songs that some chapters are based on or that should be included to add tension, that warm love fuzzy feeling, excitement, sadness, or whatever the feeling must be. Get ready!

Anyways, I love you guys SOO much! I promise that I will write The Farm, possibly this week or let me first finish my AP Gov summer work and then we'll see. After all, there's only about a couple weeks or maybe a month before my summer's over. Can anybody say NOOOO!!!

But it's okay, I mean, It's senior year finally!!!

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