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Where was she? That was the question lurking on her mind. She didn't knew why, or how she got here, but she was certain that this place was weird. Nothing made sense at all. Grasses were as tall as trees and animals were as small as insects. It felt like the typical Wonderland from Lewis Carroll's story.

Confused, the girl continued to tread along the twisted pathway with no destination set in mind. What bugged her the most was the stupid song playing in the background, as if this place wasn't already annoying. She heaved a deep sigh and continued her little adventure.

The girl stopped on her tracks when she ended up in a strange-looking cliff. She'd end up lying if she didn't admit that scenic view was majestic. Even though everything was messed up, it was astonishing in its own way. But then again, the same song from earlier began to play.

"Ugh." She whined in annoyance. "Who the hell would listen to a kid's song like this?"

Her continuous rant ended when she somehow saw a silhouette of a person a few meters away from her. Curiously, she ended up checking them out. A few gentle steps, until finally, she was so close to her. The person noticed her sudden appearance and swiveled their body to face the intruder.

"What? Are you here to insult my taste in music?" The person suddenly spoke up, rather coldly.

The girl was taken aback with the person's response. She was about to open her mouth in an attempt to deny her statement, until everything began to glimmer with light. The brightness continued to the point where she was completely blinded.

Glares of sunlight passed through the window, hitting the still-sleeping girl's innocent face. She reluctantly uncovered her eyes, afraid of the sunlight's invasion. Her decision was quickly followed by regret as she hastily closed her eyes once more. "Ugh." The girl scowled in annoyance, rolling her entire body from the sheets. Strands of hair were scattered along the pillows as she attempted to arise from her eternal slumber. Her hair was completely disheveled, and it was an unpleasant sight to see for her. "So it was just a dream?" She wondered.

With enough non-existent strength, she managed to bring herself out of bed. She was able to land her feet steadily, but the sudden cold intrusion of the floor made her cringe. After the somewhat cool experience, she heaved out a small yawn whilst doing cute stretches. It was another new day.

But for Ha Sooyoung, it was always the same. She'd wake up at the same time, prepare the same breakfast for herself, attend classes on time, and she'd work on her part time job before going home to ready herself for the next day and repeat every step. It felt as if her entire life was automated, like how she had no freedom to do anything she wanted. The only time she would feel alive was when she'd blast ballad songs at home, or at work if she had the chance to do so.

A sigh escaped from her mouth as she began readying herself for the day. "Another boring day for my boring life." That was her mindset ever since she was abandoned by both of her parents. She was lucky enough to receive a decent amount of money from her father every month, but it was only enough to pay the rent of her apartment. If she wanted to live, and possibly finish her studies, she had to work her butt off. Which she did, and thus her life became ever so monotonous.

She wasn't complaining though. She never liked her way of living, and she never hated it as well. Her life was so bland to the point that she never even cared anymore. All she ever wanted to do with her life was to somehow survive with her studies, and get a decent job with a decent pay. Although, she wasn't different from any other person who had a dream. Back when she was still a young, joyful kid, she had always wished to become a singer, a musician. But now, all the enthusiasm faded, and only an emotionless shell remained.

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