Dirst Tag

7 1 2

1.) Crushes
I really hope no one I know is on here but, his name is Angelo, I've dated him a couple of times, I know I'm an idiot!


2.) Middle Name
Marie, like almost everyone I know, lol


3.) Height
5"2' and 1/2, I know I'm short af for my age


4.) Shoe Size.
I don't know in girls cause I wear boy shoes, because there comfier, but 6 1/2, lol


5.) Eye Color
Really dark brown, like my eyes look black, lol


6.) Last Cried
I don't cry very often but I think it was last, Friday, Friday the 13, scary huh, we had a dance that day, lol


7.) Fear(s)
What's in the dark with me, and people not trusting me, it breaks my heart to see my friends cry, so that's really it


8.) Last Song I Listened to
Bittersweet Tragedy- Melanie Martinez, lol, me and my friend are laughing cause I can't spell, lol


9.) Last Texted
Cassie, my moms friend, lol


10.) Favorite App
Snapchat and Wattpad



I'm too lazy to do more ppl then that so that's it

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