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"The Void, an abysmal place, so empty yet so chaotic. This is where I was born. To live as an immortal monster, to spread the effects of the virus. But, now I must awaken to a world that is shaken..."

The survivors trapped inside loop 7 hear something loud coming, and they all rush outside to see it. What they see is a large comet with trails of crystallized light crashing down into the center of the ward. "Go warn Shu." Yahiro says, as he looks at the far off impact sight. The underclassman runs off to warn their leader of the unknown object.

Shu, was going over the void ranking list with Hare and Inori before he was interrupted by the student. "What is it?" "There has been comet of some sort that has landed in our ward." Shu doesn't comment for a minute, thinking of all the possibilities even the one fact that it may be an attack from GHQ. "Inori, scout the perimeter for me. Do not engage, although, try collect evidence on what this may be." Shu tells her before going back to the list with Hare.

Inori walks out the room, as her thoughts of her and Shu disappear slowly. As ever since the incident with GHQ attacking, and Hare being injured Shu has ignored her and cared for the girl more. To say she was jealous in the beginning was an understatement, but she let the two be happy together as she didn't deserve to be loved.

The thoughts carried her all the the way to the crater. Inori looks around the desolated area destroyed by the comet, as crystal shards could be seen around it. The curiosity getting the better of her, as she slides down to check the comet up close.

Inside the comet, however, Apollyon could feel his power growing and a presence approaching him, a female to be exact. She holds a strong void inside of her, and a large array of emotions. Inori touches the crystal enjoying the warmth it gave, and the rainbow colors that it let off are simply beautiful to her. Maybe, this what it is like to be loved.

The comet started to move and shake causing the surrounding crystal to levitate in the air, as they release energy into the comet. A figure begins to form, as the crystals continued to give energy to the man before finally melding inside of him and the comet.

"Who are you?" He simply says, as his cold, prismatic eyes stare at the girl in front of him.

The stare awakens feelings, desires, that make her crush for Shu seem childish...but is taken back when she sees the guy looking at her. "I'm Inori." She replies, as she observes the unknown man.

She takes in the man's features, snowy-white hair that is accompanied by color changing eyes, pale skin that almost appeared to be dead, and a tall stature that overtook Shu's height.

"Who are you?" Trying to maintain a good amount of unfaltering confidence against the man. Apollyon does not say anything for a moment, the winter breezes blow by the two.

"I am Apollyon..."

"Inori!" Shu calls out as he look for her. "Where are you?" The boy noticed that she has been gone for longer than what he would have expected, but the care of Hare took his priority. Now here he is, searching for his cru-friend that he may have sent to her death.

"Who is that?" Apollyon questions Inori, as he stretches out his body and moves closer to her forming a small dagger.

"It's a crush of my own." She thinks to herself. "It's a friend of my mine, Apollyon. They sent me here to investigate this crater."

"They sent you here by yourself to investigate something potentially life-threatening?" His soft voice felt as if she were being held down by a thousand knives, and one small slip up would be her life. This excited her. The danger; the rush; the tone he held just for her. "It is truly wonderful."  She thinks to herself, as the man moves closer to her.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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