Letter To My Soul

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Dear Human,

Unfortunately, you are not dear to me anymore. I can even say that I hate you now, getting over the fact that I once loved you.

I am writing this to you knowing that you can't see. Your eyes are blind to the truth. Only your soul will be able to make its way through those rows. I want to talk to you, really. Sometimes I just miss seeing you solve everything with your stunning smile. It's really hard to describe what's happening to you now; what's happening to us. We used to have a tight relationship but it just vanished away. Maybe by telling you all those things I will be able to receive an answer from you, or at least a tiny sign of understanding, even if every feeling I get from you is just my pure imagination. It all started so beautiful, I was able to touch your soul and make you feel protected. There was so much warmth and light in your heart that I felt so proud of you. But later, when I gave you some of my love you just abandoned the fight, letting me live inside of you, hopeless. You scratched every bit of me and you just left me alone, bleeding for you and begging you to come back for me and save me from this dark place inside of you. I wanted you to be the same person again. But as much as you wanted to be harsh and cold, your love just couldn't become nothing, because I never stopped living in your head that's now filled with demons. You knew I couldn't harm you in any way, but you still hit me like I was always meant to suffer for your every nerve. You keep thinking that you lost me, but trust me, you didn't. I will always be here, but this time, I won't help you. It's time you solve your own problems by yourself. I know we hate each other deeply, but we won't ever stop needing one another.

Now, it's time we say goodbye. But please come back. I miss you. I need you.

With "love",


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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