Donald Buys Ice Cream

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  • Dedicated to Donald Trump

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Donald stared wistfully at the ice cream man running the truck. Though a billionaire making it seemingly preposterous for the man to be purchasing cheap ice cream.

It never crossed his mind to run to the store to get some for his son, who saw it as utmost importance to have the delicious cool treat. Only, their mother condescendingly reminded Donald that there were non left in the freezer, a calm reminder for him to get his butt to the market.

He didn't want to be stuck in the rush-hour traffic, so the opportunity to buy the dessert presented itself when the truck parked swiftly in the street not so far away from his lavish house.

Donald impatiently tapped his foot, muttering indecencies under his breath as he was waiting for the redhead child in front of him to make up his mind already, constantly alternating between strawberry sorbet, to a spongebob popsicle.

What seemed like an eternity later, the satisfied child and his mother with an I-couldn't-care-less expression walked away, to their much less expensive vehicle, a Honda Civic.

As soon as the coast was clear, he took off his sunglasses to peer at the menu pasted onto the side of the truck, next to the window where the man with a cheesy smile. The sixty eight year old settled on a batman popsicle, noting that his son liked Batman. He assumed.

However, his frown turned into a deeper scowl as the ice cream man delievered a batman popsicle, only to misstep and send it flying into the air, until it came in contact with Donald's wrinkly forehead, making him redder than a tomato.

The man immediately apologized, grabbing the popsicle, and using a tissue to rub against the other man's expensive tux and forehead, not realizing how awkward it was.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Donald roared with such ferocity, sending the once perky man into apologizing and preparing another popsicle.

This time though, while handing it over to the angered man, he didn't see that Donald's hands didn't wrap around the wooden stick, and the ice cream man let go of it, sending the tasty treat to it's doom. It splattered on impact with the pavement, the sticky substance covering Donald's expensive shoes.

Without a second to analyze the scene, Donald screamed on the top of his lungs, "YOU'RE FIRED!" His catch phrase, one that everyone knew, sending a wave of realization through the ignorant ice cream man.

"You can't fire me!"


Reminded by his inferiority in money wise, the man handed over three batman popsicles, this time without any accidents, and Donald was on his way.

Because of money, the day was saved, and Donald delivered all three popsicles to his sun with a look of pride.

The ice cream man was never heard of again.

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