part 1 ✧

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As she opened her eyes, she was kinda disappointed. It wasn't a dream. This whole thing wasn't a damn nightmare, unfortunately. There she lied, in one bed with Lucifer Morningstar. Yes. You read right. She is lying in a big, warm bed with the guy who wanted to get her in the bed since day one. And he did it... somehow. Why had this happened to her, she asked herself. Why must she go to an undercover mission with Lucifer and why did they have to pretend that they're married?

She lies in the bed and stares at the ceiling, trying to close her eyes for a few more minutes. Even though she really wished she could fall asleep again, she couldn't. So she forced herself to get up and caught Lucifer laying in the bed. He's wrapped in this thin, white blanket which stops at his waist. His body was uncovered and he has a really nice six-pack. Chloe caught herself starring at his great body for a little too long. She shakes her head and walks to the kitchen. The coffee-machine was started and brew some fresh coffee. The house they lived in for this case was very nice, no doubt. She walked out of the open kitchen through the living room to the terrace. The door to the garden was surrounded by big, light windows. Chloe always had a thing for big, light windows. They gave her a feeling of freedom.
The Coffee-Machine made a loud noise which made Chloe walk to it and grab a cup. She took it with her as she went out in the garden to sit down near the pool. It was a great house. Also, the village here was nice. It was a long street with houses on the left and trees and a river on the right. If you'll drive straight on, there's a little forest. It isn't a big village. There are like... Chloe guessed.. 20 houses there. They already got to know three families: Susanna & Gilbert Peters, Mary & Peter Hue and Bridget & Max Sail. Three married couples which all seem very nice, also Mary and Peter do have a daughter. She's at the age of 7 which they told Chloe and Lucifer at a breakfast they invited them too. She reminded the detective of Trixie, maybe because of her brown hair and her body-type, but maybe also just because she missed Trixie very bad. She looked around and checked the garden. It was a nice, little, but not too little garden. They had a little Pool, a Hollywood-swing and a radio. "Good morning to my favorite wife" lucifer tore her from her thoughts. The detective had to roll her eyes and smile. "good morning lucifer". He turned around with a gentle smile in his face and got a cup coffee before he sat beside Chloe. "Detective, we're married now. You can't just leave our bed without giving me a good morning kiss." He said and shaped his lips in a kiss-mouth. "You are so stupid Lucifer" Chloe had to laugh. Lucifer already knew she wouldn't kiss him, but you have to try, right?

"I cant imagine that someone from this lovely neighbor-hood might kill their friends – or not friends. Whatever." Chloe thought. "You never know, Detective. Sometimes, people need to be tortured. And sometimes mistakes are made and they got killed. But don't worry – the torture will continue in hell my dear" Lucifer responded.
Like so often, Chloe had no idea what he is talking about. But she got used to it and ignored it. "What are we willing to do now, detective?" her partner asked. "I don't know yet. But one thing is sure: We must get to know the neighborhood better. I suggest... a barbecue. We'll invite the whole neighborhood, so we can talk to everyone and maybe we'll become some important information." She got up quickly. "I'll write the invitations. You can go grocery-shopping, we'll do It tonight. Hurry up"
Lucifer couldn't even leave a stupid response because the detective already disappeared with her Laptop in the office-room in their house. A few hours later, Chloe already distributed all the invitations and Lucifer started grilling, she stood there in the kitchen and couldn't look away how Lucifer remained and turned the meat over and over until it has a great brown color. She got disturbed when the doorbell rang. "Lucifer, come on. Let's greet our guests. And don't forget, I am Jane and you are Louis. Got it?" "Of course, Jane" He turned around and took of his apron. The devil looked at Chloe and her outfit took his breath away. She was wearing a t-shirt – dress with white stripes at the arm and black sneakers. The detective was always breathtaking, he thought, but this was his favorite clothing on her.
"Good evening" said Chloe smiling while she opened the door. Lucifer wasn't far away from her because she could hear him breathing. The detective was shocked as he surprisingly laid his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder. What was he doing, she thought. She couldn't push him away, to Lucifer's luck. He could feel her goosebumps all over her body, so he let her go and she took a deep breath and didn't really know what to say anymore. So Lucifer made a big step towards the door where the neighbors stood with a face Lucifer exactly knew. It was the face they all made when they first met and said that "they are such are cute couple". Lucifer liked the thought of having Chloe on his side for longer than just a case. He felt comfortable around the detective and so did Chloe, how it seemed. After a while, all of the neighbors found their way to the house where Chloe and Lucifer lived for the next weeks or even months.
Chloe's paleness in her face seemed to disappear again and she could breathe again. She wasn't prepared for Lucifer's move, but to be serious... is she ever?
As the evening went on they didn't find out anything that could be important for the case. No, everyone was just telling about how their cat got ran over by a car that one day or how their cousins almost got killed by a palm tree. After the 100 stories, Chloe wished she could kill all of them with a palm tree. Chloe drank the rest of her wine, which wasn't the first one, obviously. Lucifer had to grin when he saw the detective shove the wine down her throat like it was water. "How about we play a game?" One of the guests suggested. "I brought the hot cubes". Lucifer thought that sounded amazing and everyone else also agreed. Chloe wasn't so happy about the idea, especially the part that the cubes were called "hot" cubes made her shiver. But what should she do, after all, its still a case. So they went back inside and took place on their big rug. Joe, the neighbor who suggested the game, started to explain the rules.
"So, here is how it works: Those are two cubes, on both are six words. On the first one are the words kiss, suck, touch, bite, lick and blow and on the second cube are the words ears, neck, lips, thigh, tongue and hands. One of you, either the man or the woman, have to roll the dice and whatever words are on the surface... you know what to do then" he said with a light grin that reminded her of Lucifer. Shoot... She had to stop. Everything someone said or every pose someone did reminded her of Lucifer and it sucked. She had to clear her mind and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Lucifer saw her and went after her. "Are you ready for the game, detective?" Lucifer said, and surprisingly he sounded very caring and serious. "We don't have to..."
"No its fine Lucifer. Its all for the case. All for the case. None of this matters." Chloe started to breathe more heavily and Lucifer came a step closer. They stood pretty close to the wall now and Chloe already leaned on it. Lucifer took another step towards the blonde in front of him so they were only separated an inch. Chloe looked up in his caring, brown eyes and felt nothing but comfort. She got goosebumps all over her body, just like she always gets when he is near her. They didn't say anything for a while and just stood there, looking in each other's eyes. Then, Chloe interrupted the moment they shared and went back to the living room. She wanted Lucifer and she knew it. Yes, she didn't admit it at first but god damn how much she wanted to wake up every morning next to him. She was tired of hiding it but somehow she had to. She wouldn't let him win and also... who knew he felt the same way? Chloe's mind wasn't very clear, so she just sat there staring in the air. Lucifer sat down very near to hear so their thighs touched. He looked at her one more time when the cubes came to them. "Shall I?" he asked Chloe. She inhaled one more time before she said, "Just go for it."
The cubes flew and to Chloe, it seemed like an eternity. Then, the first cube was clear to read. It said "kiss". Chloe was anxious. The second one showed "neck". Lucifer seemed happy but worried for Chloe at the same time. "You can go to the closed" One of the neighbors said giggling. "Okay, lets do this." Lucifer stood up and grabbed her hand before they disappeared in the closet. "You have 10 minutes" was the last thing they heard after they went into the huge dresser.
"Chloe, we don't have to do this." Lucifer said. Chloe wanted to shout, she wanted to scream but all she could say was "its fine."

They just stood there for two minutes, looking at each other. Chloe was pressed on the wall, again. And their faces were only an inch apart, again. She could feel every breath Lucifer took and so did Lucifer. In this very moment, Lucifer realized that Chloe wasn't just one of those one night stands he didn't care about or one of the strippers in his nightclub that could only please him one night. She was different. She pleased him in a whole nother way. She gave him that feeling of comfort. Of not running away after spending the night. That feeling of flowers and blue skies. Lucifer had to stop. What was he thinking right now? He was shocked about the thoughts that appeared in him so suddenly.

"Okay then lets start... I guess?" with this words Chloe stopped him from overthinking the situation he was in. Without another word Lucifer pressed his lips gently on her neck.

well, imma stop here and see if y'all want a new chapter ;)
let me know if you liked it and if i could do something different
— L

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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