Let's see how the world treats me

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My name is Amora Anderson. I am 28 years old and I am someone who is struggling to find love. All my life i've lived in Florida, I grew up there, I have memories there. I went to high school there, middle school, elementary. I've been there for as long as I can remember. So I'm moving to New York, I'm gonna see how my life would be there, I mean I didn't find no one in Florida but maybe in New York, or Westconson, Hawaii sound nice. Anywhere in the world. There are more then a million people in the world. But yet I can't find no one. So I'm gonna explore, in the wild, in the sea, anywhere there could be someone, you really never know. I know this sounds dumb but yeah whatever I don't care I'm just doing what I'm doing so ya. Don't bug me.

I HAVE A MISSRABLE LIFE PEOPLE!! If you ever experience whatever I experience don't worry cause it's not as bad as my experience, I know your probably thinking "huh she's really young how can she have so much experience with only 28 years of living in this horrible world" Well yes I have a million different things happen in a year which is probably actually possible for any one but here's the thing, every thing that has happened to me is a bad experience it's all bad and AND YEAH IT SUCKS! My life is full of miserable things, I wonder if I will ever have good things in my life.

Why don't we start from the beginning shall we. So it all started when I was born, I don't have a dad he left when I was young maybe he put a spell on me or something I don't know but before he left he gave me this beautiful golden necklace.

I know, it looks really simple and all but it's important to me because it gives me a really special memory of my father, I don't know what he looks like because I never met him, he was the first ever man to leave me and break my heart

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I know, it looks really simple and all but it's important to me because it gives me a really special memory of my father, I don't know what he looks like because I never met him, he was the first ever man to leave me and break my heart. And no the necklace isn't a memory of that exactly but it's a way to keep him close and in my heart even if he is not actually there.
My father left my mother when I was 5 they just got into a big fight because he cheated on her with some slut and left with her, but then I heard that they got a divorce too so now I'm not really sure what he's doing, He could probably be dead already. I hope that I can see him someday though, hopefully he isn't dead. Now let's see how the world treats me in New York.

Hey Guys Thank You for reading the first chapter of "Unable to find Love" I hope I get some reads and votes (most likely not) anyway see shu in da next chapter! BAI!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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