Drake&Alex: The Story of how True Love Goes Through All

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Alex's POV

"Ok mom, so what you're saying that I can't go out with Drake today because Edward Bellevue is coming over?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"Yes, Alexandra, that is exactly what I am telling you." Mom retorted.

I stomped out of my black bedroom. Black is my favorite color. "My name isAlex ."I called

I walked into my bathroom. "Your name is Alexandra Marie. Not Alex. Alex is a boy name and you are a beautiful girl." Mom said from behind me. I looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"A very beautiful girl if your hair wasn't painted blue, and if you didn't have earrings all over your face."

I grabbed my car keys from my bedside table and ran down the stairs. I hopped on and turned up Asking Alexandria real loud. I put on my Ray Ban sunglasses and drove (unwillingly) to school.

The only place I drove willingly to was to Drake's bedroom, or to the janitors' closet. (Hee hee).

So, let me tell you about me: My name is Alex, not Alexandra Marie. That sounds like a freaking make up line. I painted my hair blue, it looks awesome, if I put my modesty aside. I have a nose ring, a ring on my tongue, and a piercing on one of my fingers. That one hurt like crap. I have about ten tattoos which I am not aloud to flash in school. I like to have fun, go to parties, get drunk, smoke, getting drugged with my best friends. I couldn't wait for the summer at the world tour, which I was going to with Asking Alexandria and Drake♥. I drove to my usual parking lot. Drake's car was already there, and he was sitting in his car with an apple playing between his hands. I knocked on his car window and he looked up and smiled. He opened his car door and motioned for me to get in. I sat down on his lap and laid there nestled.

"How was your night, Alex?" Drake asked conversationally. I laughed. Drake had been in my bedroom last night up until two or three am. He always does this. He sneaks up with a ladder he always carries in his car. I feel flattered that he does that for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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